- 再见!有空多来玩儿!
Goodbye! When you have more time, come back and play!
- 外国人是很好玩儿。
Foreign people are amusing.
- 你去国外是玩儿还是出差?
Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business?
- 这样也很可能是最好玩儿的。
Doing it this way was probably the most fun, too.
- 要是我有钱的话,我将常常出去玩儿。
If I had the money, I would often go out and have fun.
- 我常常在晚上时跟朋友出去玩儿。
I often go out with friends in the evening.
- 尽管在剑桥学习压力很大,很多学生还是有时间出去玩儿。
Although the pressure of studying at the University of Cambridge is very high, many students still have time to go out and have fun.