- 英语对我来说太难理解了。
English is too difficult for me to understand.
- 我无法理解她所说的。
I could not catch her words.
- 一些抽象艺术是很难理解的。
Some abstract art is difficult to understand.
- 成年人很难理解那些音乐。
The music is difficult for grownups to understand.
- 我完全理解你得处境。
I can understand your position perfectly.
- 你难以理解女人和小孩子对你说的话吗?
Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?
- 因为这是用简单的英语写的,所以甚至连孩子都能理解。
Because it is written in simple English even a child can understand it.
- 要用智慧来理解智慧:如果听众是聋的话,那音乐什么都不是。
It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.