- 海盗把财宝藏进了地底。
The pirates buried their treasure in the ground.
- 他身上的钱全被强盗抢走了。
A mugger robbed him of all of his money.
- 强盗似乎是在上层破窗而入的。
It seems that the burglar broke in through an upstairs window.
- 盗亦有道。
There is honor even among thieves.
- 我家昨晚给强盗光顾了。
My house was broken into last night.
- Pierre电脑里有很多盗版软件。
Pierre has a lot of pirated software on his computer.
- 我们走开的时候,房子被盗窃了。
Our house was robbed while we were away.
- 今天强盗大白天的就抢了另一家银行。
The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery.