- 算一算你花了多少钱买书。
Try to estimate how much you spent on books.
- 我打算买辆车。
My plan is to buy a car.
- 算了。
Forget it.
- 今晚我们打算去听音乐会。
Tonight we plan to take in a concert.
- 他的建议不算什么。
His advice counted for little.
- 我计算机的电池没电了。
The batteries in my calculator are dead.
- 我打算写封信给Judy。
I plan to write Judy a letter.
- 他丈夫打算办月刊。
Her husband intends to bring out a new monthly magazine.
- 他一直都说话算话。
He was always as good as his word.
- 严格地说,这套理论不算正确。
Strictly speaking, the theory is not correct.