- 到了四十年代,旗袍有了种类繁多的图案和面料,也有了同样种类繁多的
By the 1940s, the qipao came in a wide variety of designs and fabrics, with an equally wide variety of accessories.
- 同类不相残。
A dog does not eat a dog.
- 鹦鹉懂得模仿人类说话。
Parrots imitate human speech.
- 癌症是人类的大敌。
Cancer is a great enemy of humanity.
- 人类是环境的产物。
Man is a creature of circumstances.
- 伊宁的苹果种类非常多。
Ghulja has very many kinds of apples.
- 观察鸟类是个很好的业余爱好。
Bird watching is a nice hobby.
- 骄傲是人类的弱点。
Human pride is human weakness.
- 这不是我喜欢的类型。
This is not my type.
- 人类适应环境变化的能力很强。
Man has a great capacity to adapt to environmental changes.