- 我保证火车会准时来。
The train will arrive on time without fail.
- 他向我保证会还钱。
He promised me to pay back the money.
- 请附上质量证明书。
Please attach a certificate of quality.
- 实验证明了他的理论。
The experiment confirmed his theory.
- 这投资保证有 6% 的回报。
A 6% yield is guaranteed on the investment.
- 我保证这些资料是无误的。
I guarantee that this information is correct.
- 他们保证这个时钟可用一年。
They guarantee this clock for a year.
- 单凭力量不能保证取胜。
Relying on strength alone cannot guarantee victory.
- 谣言[最后]证明是假的。
The rumor turned out to be false.
- 这一消息证实了我的怀疑。
The news confirmed my suspicions.