

  • should
  • ought to
  • probably
  • must be
  • to deserve
  • to owe
  • to be sb's turn to do sth
  • that
  • the above-mentioned



  • 他在门前走来走去,不知道进去。
    He walked back and forth in front of the door, hesitating to enter.
  • 如果我们应少听多说话, 那么我们应得到两个嘴巴一只耳朵才是。
    If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear.
  • 带些什么?
    What should I bring?
  • 怎么办呢?
    So what do we do now?
  • 怎么办?
    What should I do?
  • 学他。
    You should learn from his example.
  • 我们应去请医生。
    We should call the doctor.
  • 责任应由你来负。
    It is you that are to blame for it.
  • 您应乘5路车。
    You should take the number 5 bus.
  • 安静几天。
    You must keep quiet for a few days.
Chinese Tones