- 他称赞了我。
He paid me a compliment.
- 你赞成还是反对这个计划?
Are you for or against the plan?
- 我赞成你的计划。
I agree to your plan.
- 赞成计划的人一个也没有。
There is not one person who is in agreement with the plan.
- 你赞成他在书中说的话吗?
Do you agree with what he says in the book?
- 她以为所有人都会赞成计划。
She assumed that everyone would be for the plan.
- 就个人而言, 我赞同这个计划。
I, for one, am for the plan.
- 不管我怎么称赞他们,都不会过分。
I cannot praise them too highly.
- 他做的事情你赞成的吧?
Do you approve of what he is doing?