- 被闹钟唤醒没有被鸟唤醒的好。
Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm.
- 她醒过来了。
She woke up.
- 什么吵醒你了?
What woke you up?
- 我母亲昨天很晚还醒着。
My mother was up late last night.
- 我提醒他要去会见总裁。
I reminded him of his interview with the president.
- 当我醒来时,天正下著雪。
When I awoke, it was snowing.
- 如果我忘记了请提醒我。
In case I forget, please remind me.
- 他被啪啪的敲门声吵醒了。
He was roused by a loud knocking at the door.
- 我醒来,发现原来一切都是场梦。
I awoke to find everything had been a dream.
- 小心不要弄醒了正在睡觉的婴儿。
Take care not to awake the sleeping baby.