

  • to cheat
  • to swindle
  • to deceive
  • to get on (a horse etc) by swinging one leg over



  • 人!
    You must be kidding!
  • 这正可以说明您是个子。
    That just goes to prove that you are a liar.
  • 我连做梦也没有想过乔治会我。
    Never did I dream that George would cheat me.
  • 了老婆婆的钱。
    The man cheated the old woman out of her money.
  • 她又被人了。
    She was tricked yet again.
  • 我得到一个结论 ﹣ 我被了。
    I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.
  • 我竟然蠢得被这么简单的谎话倒了!
    How foolish I was not to discover that simple lie!
  • 他说他没有进房间,那是人的。
    He said he did not enter the room, which was a lie.
  • 他的外表欺了我。
    His appearance deceived me.
  • 直到那时,他才意识到他已经上当受
    Only then did he realize he had been deceived.
Chinese Tones