不稳定 | bù wěn dìng | unstable | |
不稳性 | bù wěn xìng | instability | |
四平八稳 | sì píng bā wěn | everything steady and stable (idiom) / overcautious and unimaginary | |
十拿九稳 | shí ná jiǔ wěn | to be a cinch / in the bag / (of a person) confident of success | |
不稳平衡 | bù wěn píng héng | unstable equilibrium | |
十成九稳 | shí chéng jiǔ wěn | see 十拿九穩|十拿九稳[shi2 na2 jiu3 wen3] | |
破坏稳定 | | destabilization | |
不稳定风 | bù wěn dìng fēng | unsteady wind | |
不稳定核 | bù wěn dìng hé | unstable nucleus | |
不稳定流 | bù wěn dìng liú | unsteady flow | |
不稳流动 | bù wěn liú dòng | transient flow | |
财政稳定 | cái zhèng wěn dìng | fiscal stability | |
光稳定剂 | guāng wěn dìng jì | light stabilizing | |
站稳脚步 | zhàn wěn jiǎo bù | to gain a firm foothold / (fig.) to get oneself established | |
站稳脚跟 | zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn | to stand firmly / to gain a foothold / to establish oneself | |
不稳定地区 | | volatile area | |
雪层稳定性 | | snow stability | |
自动稳定器 | | automatic stabilizer | |
不稳定大气 | bù wěn dìng dài qì | unstable atmosphere | |
不稳定气流 | bù wěn dìng qì liú | turbulent | |
长期稳定性 | cháng qī wěn dìng xìng | long-term stability | |
尺度稳定性 | chǐ duó wěn dìng xìng | dimensional stability | |
区域稳定股 | qū yù wěn dìng gǔ | Regional Stabilization Unit | |
宏观经济稳定 | | macroeconomic stability | |
经济稳定基金 | | economic stabilization fund | |
咖啡稳定基金 | | coffee stabilization fund | |
常规军备稳定 | cháng guī jūn bèi wěn dìng | conventional stability | |
电子稳定程序 | diàn zǐ wěn dìng chéng xù | (automotive) electronic stability program (ESP) | |
国际稳定部队 | guó jì wěn dìng bù duì | International Stabilization Force (Iraq, Liberia) International Stabilisation Force (Timor-Leste) | |
金融稳定论坛 | jīn róng wěn dìng lùn tán | Financial Stability Forum | |
石油稳定基金 | shí yóu wěn dìng jī jīn | oil stabilization fund | |
准稳旋涡结构 | zhǔn wěn xuán wō jié gòu | quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics) | |
金融稳定委员会 | | Financial Stability Board | |
金融稳定研究所 | | Financial Stability Institute | |
东南欧稳定公约 | | Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe | |
低频不稳定燃烧 | dī pín bù wěn dìng rán shāo | chugging | |
伊拉克稳定小组 | yī lā kè wěn dìng xiǎo zǔ | Iraq Stabilization Group | |
全球金融稳定报告 | | Global Financial Stability Report | |
战略稳定合作倡议 | | Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative | |
电子稳定控制系统 | diàn zǐ wěn dìng kòng zhì xì tǒng | electronic | |
自动稳定控制系统 | zì dòng wěn dìng kòng zhì xì tǒng | automatic stabilization control system | |
飞行控制和稳定系统 | | flight control and stabilization system | |
石油收入和稳定账户 | | Oil Revenue Stabilization Account | |
中美洲货币稳定基金 | | Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund | |
国家安全和稳定计划 | | National Security and Stabilization Plan | |
非洲安全与稳定会议 | | Conference on African Security and Stability | |
伊图里短期稳定计划 | | Ituri Short-Term Stabilization Plan | |
联合国海地稳定特派团 | | United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti | |
和平、稳定和发展宣言 | | Declaration of Peace, Stability and Development | |
欧洲稳定公约创始会议 | | Inaugural Conference for a Pact on Stability in Europe | |
货币不稳定问题工作组 | huò bì bù wěn dìng wèn tí gōng zuò zǔ | Working Group on Currency Instability | |
世界领袖人口稳定典礼 | shì jiè lǐng xiù rén kǒu wěn dìng diǎn lǐ | Ceremony of World Leaders in Population Stabilisation | |
巴尔干地区妇女稳定公约 | | Stability Pact for Women in the Balkan Area | |
联合国海地稳定化任务组 | lián hé guó hǎi dì wěn dìng huà rèn wù zǔ | United | |
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 | rèn píng fēng làng qǐ , wěn zuò diào yú tái | lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom) / to stay calm during tense situation / a cool head in a crisis | |
东南欧稳定公约特别协调员 | | Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe | |
联合国安全和稳定支助战略 | | United Nations Security and Stabilization Support Strategy | |
国际安全与稳定化支助战略 | | International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy | |
维持和平与稳定行动研究所 | | Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute | |
大湖区安全、稳定和发展条约 | | Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region | |
达尔富尔社区和平与稳定基金 | | Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund | |
东南欧稳定、安全与合作会议 | | Conference on Stability, Security and Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe | |
关于战略稳定原则的联合声明 | | Joint statement on principles of strategic stability | |
发展中国家稳定和调整政策会议 | | Conference on Stabilization and Adjustment Policies in Developing Countries | |
摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划 | | stabilization and reconstruction plan for areas emerging from armed conflict | |
在中美洲实现稳固持久和平的程序 | | Procedure for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America / Esquipulas II Agreement | |
共同体援助重建、发展和稳定方桉 | | Community Assistance to Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation programme / CARDS programme | |
南亚国家稳定与区域安全国际会议 | | International Conference on National Stability and Regional Security in Southern Asia | |
主管治理和稳定的秘书长副特别代表 | | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Governance and Stabilization | |
联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团 | | United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
关于稳固持久和平的谈判时间表的协定 | | Agreement on a Timetable for the Negotiation of a Firm and Lasting Peace | |
关于在战略稳定贩卖进行合作的联合声明 | | Joint Statement on Cooperation on Strategic Stability | |
东南欧睦邻关系、稳定、安全和合作宪章 | | Charter on Good Neighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe | |
在独立国家联合体维护和平与稳定备忘录 | | Memorandum on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Commonwealth of Independent States | |