豁免权 | huò miǎn quán | immunity from prosecution | |
使免除 | shǐ miǎn chú | to get rid of | |
不可避免 | bù kě bì miǎn | unavoidably | |
在所难免 | zài suǒ nán miǎn | to be unavoidable (idiom) | |
未能免俗 | wèi néng miǎn sú | unable to break the custom (idiom) / bound by conventions | |
公务豁免 | | functional immunity | |
职能豁免 | | functional immunity | |
债务豁免 | | debt forgiveness | |
放弃豁免 | | waive an immunity (v) | |
豁免管理 | | waiver requests management / waiver management | |
管辖豁免 | | immunity from jurisdiction / jurisdictional immunity | |
豁免条款 | | exemption clause | |
临时豁免 | | provisional immunity | |
群落免疫 | | herd immunity | |
属人豁免 | | personal immunity | |
外交豁免 | | diplomatic immunity | |
减免债务 | | debt relief | |
保障豁免 | | safeguards-exempted / exempted from safeguards | |
税款减免 | | tax relief | |
被动免疫 | bèi dòng miǎn yì | passive immunity | |
不免一死 | bù miǎn yī sǐ | cannot avoid being killed / cannot escape death / to be mortal | |
破财免灾 | pò cái miǎn zāi | a financial loss may prevent disaster (idiom) | |
气雾免疫 | qì wù miǎn yì | aerosol immunization | |
以免借口 | yǐ miǎn jiè kǒu | to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom) | |
预防免疫 | yù fáng miǎn yì | prophylactic inoculation | |
主动免疫 | zhǔ dòng miǎn yì | active immunity | |
自动免疫 | zì dòng miǎn yì | active immunity | |
豁免和特权 | | immunities and privileges | |
避免的费用 | | cost avoidance | |
全国免疫日 | | National Immunization Days | |
一揽子豁免 | | blanket immunity | |
非洲免疫年 | | African Year of Immunization | |
可避免剂量 | | avertable dose | |
获得性免疫 | huò dé xìng miǎn yì | acquired immunity | |
可免疫疾病 | kě miǎn yì jí bìng | vaccine-preventable disease / immunizable disease | |
外交豁免权 | wài jiāo huò miǎn quán | diplomatic immunity | |
先天性免疫 | xiān tiān xìng miǎn yì | congenital immunity | |
人道主义豁免 | | humanitarian exemption | |
例行免疫接种 | | routine immunization | |
发放免费针头 | | distribution of free needles | |
儿童全面免疫 | | universal child immunization | |
全面免疫方桉 | | Universal Immunization Programme | |
扩大免疫方桉 | | Expanded Programme on Immunization | |
豁免旅行禁令 | | travel-ban waiver | |
避免风险做法 | bì miǎn fēng xiǎn zuò fǎ | minimum surprise approach / risk aversion approach | |
放射免疫测定 | fàng shè miǎn yì cè dìng | radioimmunoassay | |
自体免疫疾病 | zì tǐ miǎn yì jí bìng | autoimmune disease | |
避免-改换-改进 | | Avoid-Shift-Improve | |
罢免性全民投票 | | recall referendum | |
为儿童免债倡议 | | debt-relief-for-children initiative | |
南盟嵴灰免疫日 | | SAARC Polio Immunisation Days | |
放射性免疫测定 | | radioimmunoassay | |
放射性免疫分析 | | radioimmunoassay | |
儿童全面免疫股 | | Universal Child Immunization Unit / UCI Unit | |
避免毁林碳基金 | bì miǎn huǐ lín tàn jī jīn | Avoided Deforestation Carbon Fund | |
避免损害成本法 | bì miǎn sǔn hài chéng běn fǎ | damage costs avoided approach | |
放射免疫诊断法 | fàng shè miǎn yì zhěn duàn fǎ | radioimmunoassay diagnostic methods | |
疟疾免疫色谱试验 | | malaria immunochromatographic test | |
全面免疫方桉附加 | | UIP Plus | |
挪威减免债务战略 | | Norwegian Debt Relief Strategy | |
保险费免缴储备金 | | premium waiver reserve | |
科隆减免债务倡议 | | Cologne debt initiative | |
联合国特权和豁免 | | Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations | |
国际免疫融资机制 | guó jì miǎn yì róng zī jī zhì | International Finance Facility for Immunization | |
人类免疫缺陷病毒 | rén lèi miǎn yì quē xiàn bìng dú | human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) | |
人体免疫缺陷病毒 | rén tǐ miǎn yì quē xiàn bìng dú | human immunodeficiency virus | |
"儿童全面免疫附加" | | universal child immunization plus / UCI Plus | |
第二类免费提供人员 | | type II gratis personnel | |
严重联合免疫缺陷症 | | severe combined immunodeficiency | |
第一类免费提供人员 | | type I gratis personnel | |
共享情报,避免互扰 | | Shared Awareness and Deconfliction | |
全球免疫展望和战略 | | Global Immunization Vision and Strategy | |
有关疆界的免责声明 | | boundary disclaimer | |
全球疫苗和免疫联盟 | | Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization | |
抑制人体的免疫系统 | | suppression of the body's immune system | |
全球疫苗和免疫方桉 | | Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization | |
小儿麻痹症免疫运动 | | polio immunization campaign / polio vaccination campaign | |
国际免疫协调委员会 | | International Coordinating Committee on Immunization | |
联合国特权和豁免公约 | | Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations | |
减免债务以助儿童生存 | | debt relief for child survival | |
保护黑海免受污染公约 | | Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution | |
儿童生存和免疫处处长 | | Chief, Child Survival and Immunization | |
可转让重新造林免税额 | | tradeable reforestation credits | |
获得性免疫缺陷综合征 | huò dé xìng miǎn yì quē xiàn zōng hé zhēng | acquired immune deficiency syndrome / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | |
专门机构特权和豁免公约 | | Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies | |
保护地中海免受污染公约 | | Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution / Barcelona Convention | |
防止可避免残疾初步倡议 | | Initial Initiative Against Avoidable Disablement | |
保护儿童免遭性剥削会议 | | Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation conference | |
防止可避免残疾国际倡议 | | International Initiative against Avoidable Disablement | |
法院特权和豁免协定工作组 | | Working Group on an Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Court | |
关于战时医院船免税的公约 | | Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State | |
保护工人免遭电离辐射公约 | | Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations | |
扩大免疫方桉全球咨询小组 | | EPI Global Advisory Group | |
体液补充、免疫营养和教育 | | rehydration, immunization, nutrition and education | |
机构间免疫接种协调委员会 | | Inter-Agency Immunization Coordination Committee | |
联合国外交往来和豁免会议 | | United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities | |
国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免 | | Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction | |
保护莱茵河免受化学污染公约 | | Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution | |
国际刑事法院特权和豁免协定 | | Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court | |
关于免疫和艾滋病的联合声明 | | Joint Statement on Immunization and AIDS | |
保护地中海免受污染信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution | |
保护康斯坦茨湖免受污染公约 | | Convention on the Protection of Lake Constance from Pollution | |
欧洲理事会特权及豁免总协定 | | General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe | |
成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病 | chéng rén yìn nì xìng zì shēn miǎn yì xìng táng suī bìng | latent autoimmune diabetes in adults | |
保护莱茵河免受污染国际委员会 | | International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution | |
美洲国家间避免或防止冲突条约 | | Treaty to Avoid or Prevent Conflicts between the American States / Gondra Treaty | |
保护莱茵河免受氯化物污染公约 | | Convention Concerning the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorides | |
国际原子能机构特权和豁免协定 | | Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency | |
以零关税、免配额方式进入市场 | | duty-free and quota-free access to the markets / duty-free and quota-free market access | |
欧洲国家豁免公约和附加议定书 | | European Convention on State Immunity and Additional Protocol | |
阿拉伯国家联盟特权及豁免公约 | | Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the League of Arab States | |
国际海洋法法庭特权和豁免协定 | | Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea | |
保护地中海免受陆源污染议定书 | | Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources / LBS Protocol | |
通过控制麻疹加强非洲免疫服务 | | Strengthening Immunization Services Through Measles Control in Africa | |
享受国际豁免者的刑事责任公约 | | convention relating to the criminal responsibility of persons enjoying International immunity | |
联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约 | | United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property | |
关于国家管辖豁免的美洲公约草桉 | | Inter-American draft convention on jurisdictional immunity of States | |
保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约 | | International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance | |
欧洲核研究组织特权和豁免议定书 | | Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Organization for Nuclear Research | |
加强太平洋区域免疫方桉伙伴关系 | | Pacific Immunization Programme Strengthening Partnerships | |
国际海底管理局特权和豁免议定书 | | Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority | |
保护海洋环境免受陆源污染议定书 | | Protocol for the protection of the marine environment against pollution from land-based sources | |
国家及其财产的管辖豁免条款草桉 | | draft articles on jurisdictional immunities of States and their property | |
医学放射性免疫分析区域教员训练班 | | Regional Train-the-Trainers Course in Medical Radioimmunoassay | |
合作保护海洋环境免受污染区域公约 | | Regional Convention for Co-operation on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution | |
保护平民人口免受滥杀滥伤战争之祸 | | Protection of civilian populations against the dangers of indiscriminate warfare | |
保护东南太平洋免受辐射污染议定书 | | Protocol for the Protection of the South-East Pacific against Radioactive Contamination | |
国际海事卫星组织特权和豁免议定书 | | Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Maritime Satellite Organization | |
为儿童全面免疫向私营部门筹款工作队 | | Task Force on Private Sector Fund-raising for Universal Child Immunization | |
驻联合国代表团成员豁免问题联络小组 | | contact group on immunities of members of missions to the United Nations | |
赞助发展中国家提供免费军官信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Sponsor Gratis Military Officers from Developing Countries | |
关于法律资格和特权和豁免的罗马决定 | | Rome Decision on Legal Capacity and Privileges and Immunities | |
保护土壤和含水层免受非点源污染讨论会 | | Seminar on Protection of Soil and Aquifers against Non-Point Source Pollution | |
保护儿童和青少年免受暴力侵害综合系统 | | Integral System of Protection of Childhood and Adolescence against Violence | |