干涉仪 | gān shè yí | interferometer (physics) | |
不干涉 | bù gān shè | noninterference / nonintervention | |
牵涉到 | qiān shè dào | to involve / to drag in | |
长途跋涉 | cháng tú bá shè | long and difficult trek | |
跋山涉水 | bá shān shè shuǐ | to travel over land and water (idiom) | |
爬山涉水 | pá shān shè shuǐ | to climb mountains and wade rivers (idiom) / fig. to make a long and difficult journey | |
外交交涉 | wài jiāo jiāo shè | démarche / diplomatic initiative | |
速度干涉仪 | | velocity interferometer | |
新干涉主义 | | neo-interventionism | |
不干涉原则 | | principle of non-interference | |
主动干涉能力 | | capability for active interference | |
风成象干涉仪 | | Wind Imaging Interferometer | |
所涉行政问题 | | administrative implications | |
干涉水深测量 | | interferometric bathymetry | |
干涉侧扫声纳 | | interferometric sidescan sonar | |
所涉经费问题 | | financial implications | |
多普勒激光干涉仪 | | doppler laser interferometer | |
所涉人道主义问题 | suǒ shè rén dào zhǔ yì wèn tí | humanitarian implications | |
"不涉及价值的"科学 | | value-free science | |
红外大气探测干涉仪 | | Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer | |
所涉财务和行政问题 | | financial and administrative implications | |
不干涉他国内政原则 | | principle of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other States | |
多普勒基线干涉测量法 | | Doppler base-line interferometry | |
非洲调整所涉社会问题 | | Social Dimensions of Adjustment in Africa | |
甚长基线无线电干涉测量 | | very long baseline interferometry | |
调整所涉社会问题研究方桉 | | Social Dimension of Adjustment programme / SDA programme | |
关于涉及多国开发水电公约 | | Convention relating to the Development of Hydraulic Power affecting more than one State | |
不容干涉和干预别国内政宣言 | | Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States | |
可用于任何反射面的速度干涉仪 | | velocity interferometer system for any reflector | |
生物技术所涉道德问题顾问小组 | | Group of Advisers on the Ethical Implications of Biotechnology | |
全球化所涉社会问题世界委员会 | | World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization | |
欧洲关于涉及文化财产罪行的公约 | | European Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property | |
国家继承涉及的自然人国籍问题条款 | | Articles on Nationality of Natural Persons in Relation to the Succession of States | |
未被涉及的个人索赔要求的处理标准 | | Criteria for Processing of Claims of Individuals not Otherwise Covered | |
国际贸易自由化所涉社会问题工作队 | | Working Party on the Social Dimensions of the Liberalization of International Trade | |
各种能源系统所涉环境问题的比较评估 | | Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Various Energy Systems | |
最近联合国主要会议所涉统计问题专家组 | | Expert Group on the Statistical Implications of Recent Major United Nations Conferences | |