联 系 lián xì connection / contact / relation / to get in touch with / to integrate / to link / to touch 联 络 lián luò to get in touch with / to contact / to stay in contact (with) / liaison / (math.) connection 连 接 lián jiē to link / to join / to attach / connection / a link (on web page) 联 通 lián tōng connection / link / to link together 相 连 xiāng lián to link / to join / link / connection 连 线 lián xiàn electrical lead / connecting line / (Tw) to connect (to a network, device etc) / to go online / connection / (congressional) caucus 接 头 jiē tóu to join / to connect / connection / junction / fitting (plumbing) / connector / terminal (electrical engineering) 交 集 jiāo jí (of diverse emotions) to occur simultaneously / to intermingle / common ground / points of commonality / overlap / connection / interaction / dealings / (math.) (set theory) intersection 瓜 葛 guā gé connection / association / involvement 缔 dì closely joined / connection / knot 关 涉 guān shè to relate (to) / to concern / to involve / connection / relationship 联 想 lián xiǎng to associate (cognitively) / to make an associative connection / mental association / word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs 天 线 tiān xiàn antenna / mast / connection with high-ranking officials 无 缘 wú yuán to have no opportunity / no way (of doing sth) / no chance / no connection / not placed (in a competition) / (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc 接 轨 jiē guǐ railtrack connection / to integrate into sth / to dock / to connect / to be in step with / to bring into line with / to align 串 联 chuàn lián to establish ties or contact / in series connection (electricity) 门 路 mén lù way of doing sth / the right social connection 并 联 bìng lián parallel connection 男 女 关 系 nán nu:3 guān xì man-woman connection / intimate relationship 良 缘 liáng yuán good karma / opportune connection with marriage partner 拨 号 连 接 bō hào lián jiē dial-up connection / dial-up networking 攀 附 pān fù to climb (of climbing plants) / to creep / to cling on to / fig. to seek connection (with the rich and powerful) / social climbing 沾 边 zhān biān to have a connection with / to be close (to reality) / to be relevant / to have one's hand in 思 前 想 后 sī qián xiǎng hòu to consider past cause and future effect (idiom) / to think over the past and future / to ponder over reasons and connection 固 定 虚 拟 连 接 gù dìng xū nǐ lián jiē Permanent Virtual Connection / PVC 数 据 链 路 连 接 识 别 码 shù jù liàn lù lián jiē shí bié mǎ Data Link Connection Identifier / DLCI 无 缝 连 接 wú fèng lián jiē seamless connection 虚 拟 连 接 xū nǐ lián jiē virtual connection 虚 拟 通 道 标 志 符 xū nǐ tōng dào biāo zhì fú virtual channel connection identifier / VCI 虚 拟 通 道 连 接 xū nǐ tōng dào lián jiē virtual channel connection / VCC 因 特 网 联 通 yīn tè wǎng lián tōng Internet connection 五 胡 Wǔ hú Five non-Han people, namely: Huns or Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2], Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑[Xian1 bei1], Jie 羯[Jie2], Di 氐[Di1], Qiang 羌[Qiang1], esp. in connection with the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 五胡十六國|五胡十六国[Wu3 hu2 Shi2 liu4 guo2] 接 通 费 jiē tōng fèi connection charge 聯 系 lián xì variant of 聯繫|联系, connection / contact / relation / in touch with / to integrate / to link / to touch 话 又 说 回 来 huà yòu shuō huí lai returning to our main topic,... / that said,... / again,... / in this connection / in passing / nevertheless,... / anyhow 话 说 回 来 huà shuō huí lai returning to our main topic,... / that said,... / again,... / in this connection / in passing / nevertheless,... / anyhow 连 接 框 lián jiē kuàng connection frame / linked frame 重 插 chóng chā to replug / to disconnect and reconnect (from a plug, port, connection etc) 点 对 点 链 路 diǎn duì diǎn liàn lù point-to-point link / point-to-point connection 假 设 参 考 连 接 hypothetical reference connection 一 点 对 多 点 链 路 yī diǎn duì duō diǎn liàn lù point-to-multipoint link / point-to-multipoint connection 关 于 海 运 有 毒 有 害 物 质 的 赔 偿 责 任 公 约 convention on liability and compensation in connection with the carriage of noxious and hazardous substances by sea 世 界 银 行 贷 款 相 关 技 术 援 助 信 托 基 金 Trust Fund on Technical Assistance in connection with the World Bank loan 解 决 汇 票 和 本 票 的 某 些 法 律 抵 触 公 约 Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 支 票 印 花 税 法 公 约 Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques 汇 票 和 本 票 印 花 税 法 公 约 Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 人 口 关 系 协 会 Population Connection 解 决 支 票 的 某 些 法 律 抵 触 公 约 Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Cheques 北 欧 辐 射 事 故 紧 急 互 助 协 定 Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement in Connection with Radiation Accidents 哪 儿 跟 哪 儿 nǎ r gēn nǎ r what's that have to do with it? / what's the connection? 数 据 链 路 连 接 标 识 shù jù liàn lù lián jiē biāo zhì data link connection identifier (DLCI) 蹭 网 cèng wǎng (coll.) to use sb else's Internet connection (with or without permission)