非洲 | Fēi zhōu | Africa / abbr. for 阿非利加洲[A1 fei1 li4 jia1 Zhou1] | |
非州 | Fēi zhōu | Africa (common misprint for 非洲) | |
阿非利加洲 | A1 fēi lì jiā Zhōu | Africa / abbr. to 非洲[Fei1 zhou1] | |
阿非利加 | A1 fēi lì jiā | Africa | |
南非 | Nán fēi | South Africa | |
中南 | Zhōng Nán | South Central China (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan) / abbr. for China-South Africa | |
北非 | Běi Fēi | North Africa | |
中非 | Zhōng Fēi | China-Africa (relations) / Central Africa / Central African Republic | |
西非 | Xī Fēi | West Africa | |
东非 | dōng Fēi | East Africa | |
曼德拉 | Màn dé lā | Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), South African ANC politician, president of South Africa 1994-1999 | |
阿特拉斯 | A1 tè lā sī | Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology) / Atlas mountains of north Africa | |
尼日尔 | Ní rì ěr | Niger (African state) / Niger River, West Africa | |
比勒陀利亚 | Bǐ lè tuó lì yà | Pretoria, capital of South Africa | |
约翰内斯堡 | Yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo | Johannesburg, South Africa | |
柏柏尔 | Bò bò ěr | Berber people of North Africa | |
科特迪瓦 | Kē tè dí wǎ | Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast in West Africa | |
撒哈拉以南非洲 | Sā hā lā yǐ nán Fēi zhōu | sub-Saharan Africa | |
阿拉伯国家联盟 | A1 lā bó Guó jiā Lián méng | Arab League, regional organization of Arab states in Southwest Asia, and North and Northeast Africa, officially called the League of Arab States | |
非洲之角 | Fēi zhōu Zhī jiǎo | Horn of Africa | |
坦噶尼喀 | Tǎn gá ní kā | Tanganyika on continent of West Africa, one component of Tanzania | |
刘贵今 | Liú Guì jīn | Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to Africa from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue | |
哈丰角 | Hā fēng jiǎo | Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternmost point in Africa | |
坦噶尼喀湖 | Tǎn gá ní kā Hú | Lake Tanganyika in East Africa | |
尼日尔河 | Ní rì ěr Hé | Niger River of West Africa | |
底锡斯海 | Dǐ xī sī hǎi | Thetys (hypothetical ocean between Africa and Eurasia in geological history) | |
撒哈拉以南非洲水文评估项目 | | project on Sub-Saharan Hydrological Assessment in Africa | |
非洲单源说 | Fēi zhōu dān yuán shuō | single origin out of Africa (current mainstream theory of human evolution) | |
非洲新稻 | fēi zhōu xīn dào | New Rice for Africa | |
西南非洲人民组织 | xī nán fēi zhōu rén mín zǔ zhī | South West Africa People's Organization | |
亚非拉 | Yà Fēi Lā | Asia, Africa and Latin America | |
非洲预防冲突协调小组 | | Africa Conflict Prevention Pool | |
非洲之角特别紧急方桉 | | Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa | |
非洲统计发展专题讨论会 | | Africa Symposium on Statistical Development | |
非洲区域办事处 | | Regional Office for Africa | |
非洲之角人道主义特使 | | Special Humanitarian Envoy for the Horn of Africa | |
西南非洲警察 | xī nán fēi zhōu jǐng chá | South West Africa Police | |
非洲发展运输和能源基础设施宣言 | | Declaration on Development of Transport and Energy Infrastructure in Africa | |
东部和南部非洲次区域部长级会议 | | Sub-regional Ministerial Meeting for Eastern and Southern Africa | |
关于非洲危急经济情况的宣言 | | Declaration on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa | |
中东和北非金融行动工作组 | | Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force | |
非洲疟疾防治日 | | Africa Malaria Control Day | |
东非、中非和南部非洲会计师联合会 | | Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Federation of Accountants | |
中部非洲次区域部长级会议 | | Sub-regional Ministerial Meeting for Central Africa | |
非洲艾滋病和性传播感染国际会议 | | International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa | |
非洲和平论坛 | | Africa Peace Forum | |
开发署援助非洲难民信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for Assistance to Refugees in Africa | |
流入非洲的资金状况咨询小组 | | Advisory Group on Financial Flows to Africa | |
中部非洲预警机制 | | early warning mechanism for Central Africa | |
加速降低非洲孕产妇死亡率运动 | | Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa | |
联合国南部非洲教育和训练方桉 | | United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa | |
联合国西南非洲理事会 | | United Nations Council for South West Africa | |
非洲电子通讯能力建设项目 | | Capacity-building for Electronic Communications in Africa project | |
非洲之角国家索马里问题常设委员会 | | Standing Committee of the States of the Horn of Africa on Somalia | |
非洲之角国家集团 | fēi zhōu zhī jué guó jiā jí tuán | Horn of Africa Group | |
大非洲之角旱灾问题特使 | | Special Envoy on the Drought in the Greater Horn of Africa | |
欧盟海上安全中心- 非洲之角 | | Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa | |
非洲之角国家国家元首和政府首脑会议 | | Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the countries of the Horn of Africa | |
非洲遗传协会 | | Africa Genetics Association | |
撒哈拉以南非洲技术合作委员会 | | Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara | |
南非媒体工作者协会 | | Media Workers Association of South Africa | |
建立东部和南部非洲国家特惠贸易区条约 | | Treaty establishing the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa | |
中东和北非区域办事处 | | Middle East and North Africa Regional Office | |
移徙促进非洲非洲 | yí xǐ cù jìn fēi zhōu fēi zhōu | Migration for Development in Africa | |
非洲绿色革命联盟 | | Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa | |
东非沙漠蝗虫防治组织 | dōng fēi shā mò huáng chóng fáng zhì zǔ zhī | Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa | |
非洲投资环境基金 | fēi zhōu tóu zī huán jìng jī jīn | Investment Climate Facility for Africa | |
非洲俱乐部 | | Africa Club | |
非洲之角人道主义危机特使 | | Special Envoy for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa | |
非洲和阿拉伯国家区域办事处 | | Regional Office for Africa and the Arab States | |
非洲自由日 | fēi zhōu zì yóu rì | Africa Freedom Day | |
非洲日 | fēi zhōu rì | Africa Day | |
北非和西非的地下水 | | Ground Water in North and West Africa | |
制裁南非国际会议 | | International Conference on Sanctions against South Africa | |
南部非洲紧急抗旱联合呼吁 | | Consolidated Appeal for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa | |
英联邦外交部长南部非洲问题委员会 | | Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers on Southern Africa | |
非洲裁军与安全问题讨论会 | | Seminar on Disarmament and Security in Africa | |
非洲基础设施基金会 | | Africa Infrastructures Foundation | |
非洲能源部长论坛 | fēi zhōu néng yuán bù zhǎng lùn tán | Forum of Energy Ministers of Africa | |
非洲航空自由会议 | | Conference on Freedoms of the Air in Africa | |
非洲饥荒管理综合信息系统 | fēi zhōu jī huāng guǎn lǐ zōng hé xìn xī xì tǒng | Consolidated Information System for Famine Management in Africa | |
南部非洲干旱紧急状况方桉 | | Drought Emergency in Southern Africa | |
联合国驻南非小组 | lián hé guó zhù nán fēi xiǎo zǔ | United Nations Team in South Africa | |
非洲和马达加斯加主教会议专题讨论会 | | Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar | |
非洲工业发展十年 | | Industrial Development Decade for Africa | |
非洲和平委员会 | | Africa Peace Committee | |
通过教育争取南部非洲自由 | | Southern Africa Freedom through Education | |
东非和南部非洲区域办事处 | | Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office | |
中西部非洲区域办事处 | | West and Central Africa Regional Office | |
联合国对南非武器禁运国际讨论会 | | International Seminar on the United Nations Arms Embargo against South Africa / Seminar on Arms Embargo against South Africa | |
非洲气候网 | fēi zhōu qì hòu wǎng | Climate Network Africa | |
东非和南部非洲区域主任 | | Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa | |
非洲非核化宣言 | fēi zhōu fēi hé huà xuān yán | Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa | |
关于南非和反对种族隔离行动的宣言 | | Declaration on South Africa and Anti-Apartheid Action | |
南部非洲区域旅游组织 | nán bù fēi zhōu qū yù lu:3 yóu zǔ zhī | Regional Tourism Organization of Southern Africa | |
联合国南部非洲问题机构间小组 | | United Nations inter-agency group on Southern Africa | |
艺术家联合援助非洲协会 | | United Support of Artists for Africa | |
非洲加快执行粮食战略讲习班 | | Workshop on Accelerated Food Strategy Implementation in Africa | |
世界银行撒哈拉以南非洲特别方桉 | | World Bank Special Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa | |
南部非洲开放社会倡议 | | Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa | |