巴尔 | Bā ěr | Baltic | |
波罗的海德国人 | bō luó dì hǎi dé guó rén | Baltic | |
波罗的 | Bō luó dì | Baltic | |
波罗的海 | Bō luó dì Hǎi | Baltic Sea | |
格但斯克 | Gé dàn sī kè | Gdansk, city on Baltic in north Poland | |
波美拉尼亚 | Bō měi lā ní yà | Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea | |
加里宁格勒 | Jiā lǐ níng gé lè | Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Russian republic / formerly Königsberg, capital of East Prussia | |
哥尼斯堡 | Gē ní sī bǎo | (until WWII) Königsberg, capital of East Prussia on the Baltic / (since WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic | |
波罗的海联合综合环境行动计划 | | Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme | |
波罗的海国家国家元首和政府首脑 | | Heads of State and Government of the Baltic Sea States | |
波罗的海和北海小型鲸类养护协定 | | Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas | |
关于波罗的海大陆架的宣言 | | Declaration on the Continental Shelf in the Baltic Sea | |
开发署波罗的海国家信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for the Baltic Republics | |
波罗的海大会 | | Baltic Assembly | |
波罗的海青年事务部长会议 | | Baltic Sea Youth Ministers Conference | |
保护波罗的海地区海洋环境公约 | | Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area / Baltic Sea Convention | |
波罗的海海洋平面项目 | | Baltic Sea-Level Project | |
波罗的海国家关于生物多样性公约会议 | | Baltic States Meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity | |
格但斯克公约 | | Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts / Gdansk Convention | |
波罗的海区域21世纪议程 | | Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region / Baltic 21 | |
波罗的海和北欧国家区域办事处 | | Regional Office for the Baltic and Nordic Countries | |
波罗的海海洋环境保护委员会 | | Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission / Helsinki Commission | |
赫尔辛基委员会 | | Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission / Helsinki Commission | |
保护波罗的海区域海洋环境外交会议 | | Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area | |
波罗的海保护区 | | Baltic Sea Protected Areas | |
波罗的海地理信息系统 | | Baltic Geographical Information System | |
波罗的海国家理事会 | | Council of the Baltic Sea States | |
波罗的海安全援助小组 | | Baltic Security Assistance Group | |
国际波罗的海渔业委员会 | | International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission | |
波罗的海倡议和行动计划 | | Baltic Sea Initiative and Plan of Action | |
关于波罗的海国家的联合宣言 | | Joint Declaration on the Baltic States | |
波罗的海区域倡议 | | Baltic Sea Region Initiative | |
波罗的海失控移徙问题会议 | | Conference on Uncontrolled Migration over the Baltic Sea | |
波罗的海区域有组织犯罪问题工作队 | | Task Force on Organized Crime in the Baltic Sea Region | |
波罗的海行动计划 | | Baltic Sea Action Plan | |
关于保护波罗的海区域海豹的建议 | | Recommendation concerning Protection of Seals in the Baltic Sea Area | |
波罗的海联合环境基金 | | Joint Baltic Environmental Fund | |
儿童问题区域网络 | | NGO / UNICEF Regional Network for Children in Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic States / Regional Network for Children | |