专心 | zhuān xīn | to concentrate / absorption / concentration / engrossed | |
吸附性 | xī fù xìng | absorption / absorbability (chemistry) | |
俘获 | fú huò | to capture (enemy property or personnel) / capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus) | |
吸着 | xī zhuó | sorption (generic term for absorption, adsorption, diffusion, precipitation etc) | |
减震 | jiǎn zhèn | shock absorption / damping | |
减振 | jiǎn zhèn | shock absorption / vibration dampening | |
吸热 | xī rè | heat absorption | |
吸声 | xī shēng | sound absorption | |
暗星云 | àn xīng yún | dark nebula (visible as a shadow, absorbing light from behind) / absorption nebula | |
吸收新移民中心 | Center for Absorption of New Immigrants | ||
X射线吸收限密度计 | Xshè xiàn xī shōu xiàn mì duó jì | X-ray absorption edge densitometer | |
红外吸收分析器 | infrared absorption analyzer | ||
原子吸收分光光度法 | atomic absorption spectrophotometry | ||
吸收速率比值 | specific absorption rate | ||
援助吸收能力 | yuán zhù xī shōu néng lì | aid absorption capacity / absorbing capacity | |
大气吸收 | dài qì xī shōu | atmospheric absorption | |
海洋吸收 | hǎi yáng xī shōu | oceanic absorption | |
吸收式制冷机 | xī shōu shì zhì lěng jī | absorption chiller | |
大气制图扫描成像吸收光谱仪 | Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography | ||
根系吸收 | root uptake / radicular system absorption | ||
原子吸收光谱法 | atomic absorption spectrometry |