应用 | yìng yòng | to put to use / to apply / practical / applied (science, linguistics etc) / application / practical use / (computing) app | |
申请 | shēn qǐng | to apply for sth / application (form etc) / CL:份[fen4] | |
用途 | yòng tú | use / application | |
应用程序 | yìng yòng chéng xù | (computing) program / application | |
申请书 | shēn qǐng shū | application / application form / petition (to higher authorities) | |
用场 | yòng chǎng | use / application / Taiwan pr. [yong4 chang2] | |
应用程式 | yìng yòng chéng shì | (Tw) (computing) program / application | |
调用 | diào yòng | to transfer (for a specific purpose) / to allocate / (computing) to invoke (a command, an application etc) | |
应用软件 | yìng yòng ruǎn jiàn | application software | |
申请表 | shēn qǐng biǎo | application form | |
军用 | jūn yòng | (for) military use / military application | |
实际应用 | shí jì yìng yòng | practical application | |
报名表 | bào míng biǎo | application form / registration form / CL:張|张[zhang1] | |
求职信 | qiú zhí xìn | cover letter / job application | |
遭拒 | zāo jù | to meet with a refusal (e.g. visa) / to have an application rejected | |
拒签 | jù qiān | to refuse (a visa application etc) | |
应用层 | yìng yòng céng | application layer (computing) | |
典型用途 | diǎn xíng yòng tú | typical use / typical application | |
客户应用 | kè hù yìng yòng | client application | |
杀手级应用 | shā shǒu jí yìng yòng | killer application / killer app | |
商业应用 | shāng yè yìng yòng | business application | |
网路应用 | wǎng lù yìng yòng | network application | |
网络应用 | wǎng luò yìng yòng | network application | |
应用程式介面 | yìng yòng chéng shì jiè miàn | application programming interface (API) (Tw) | |
应用平台 | yìng yòng píng tái | application platform (computing) | |
应用软体 | yìng yòng ruǎn tǐ | application software | |
可供军用 | kě gōng jūn yòng | having possible military application | |
戒严区 | jiè yán qū | restricted area / zone of application of the martial law | |
熨法 | yùn fǎ | application of a hot compress (TCM) | |
退件 | tuì jiàn | to reject (visa application etc) / (commerce) to return to sender / item returned to sender | |
钻劲 | zuān jìn | application to the task | |
无线应用协议 | wú xiàn yìng yòng xié yì | Wireless Application Protocol | |
应用服务提供商 | yīng yòng fú wù tí gōng shāng | application service provider | |
应用程序接口 | | application program interface | |
应用程序编程接口 | yìng yòng chéng xù biān chéng jiē kǒu | application programming interface (API) | |
气候预测和应用中心 | | Climate Prediction and Application Centre | |
独立应用程序 | | stand-alone application | |
暂时适用 | zàn shí shì yòng | provisional application | |
软件应用程序 | | software application | |
部门间农业研究及其应用工作组 | | Interdepartmental Working Group on Agricultural Research and its Application | |
卫星及其他技术应用于民航研究委员会 | | Committee to Review the Application of Satellite and Other Techniques to Civil Aviation | |
非洲技术应用与革新会议 | | Conference on Application and Innovation of Technology in Africa | |
口译电子派工系统 | | electronic Interpreter Assignment Programme / Interpreter Management Application | |
人权和生物医学公约 | | Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine / Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine | |
应用程序开发股 | | Application Development Unit | |
一个适用国际法的时代的战略 | | Strategy for an Era of Application of International Law | |
实施公约与建议书专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations | |
大会标准实施委员会 | | Conference Committee on the Application of Standards | |
企业级应用程序实施和支持科 | | Enterprise Application Implementation and Support Section | |
土地应用卫星系统 | | Land Application Satellite System | |
应用程序管理司 | | Application Management Division | |
会议管理系统 | | Meetings Management Application / CARBON | |
国际材料评价和应用中心 | | International Centre for Evaluation and Application of Materials | |
信息、通信和空间技术司应用科 | | ICT Application Section | |
数据收集电信应用程序 | | Data Collection Telecoms Application | |
污水污泥地面处理 | | sewage sludge application / land disposal of sewage sludge | |
禁止克隆人的附加议定书 | | Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, on the Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings / Protocol on the Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings | |
国际太阳能应用中心 | | International Centre for Application of Solar Energy | |
太阳能研究和应用协商小组 | | Consultative Group on Solar Energy Research and Application | |
工业企业中实行每周休息公约 | | Convention concerning the Application of the Weekly Rest in Industrial Undertakings | |
实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定 | | Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures / SPS Agreement | |
组织权利和集体谈判权利原则的实施公约 | | Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively | |
在非本部领土适用国际劳工标准公约 | | Convention concerning the Application of International Labour Standards to Non-Metropolitan Territories | |
搁置一项申请 | gé zhì yī xiàng shēn qǐng | hold on an application | |
技术应用中心 | | Technology Application Center | |
实施保障协定 | shí shī bǎo zhàng xié dìng | agreement for the application of safeguards / safeguards agreeement | |
应用科学和技术促进发展世界行动计划 | | World Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development | |
主管科学和技术应用于发展部长区域会议 | | Regional Conferences of Ministers Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development | |
亚洲科学和技术应用于发展会议 | | Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Asia | |
拉丁美洲科学和技术应用于发展会议 | | Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Latin America | |
应用和技术支助科 | | Application and Technical Support Section | |
空间技术应用于航空专家组 | | Application of Space Techniques Relating to Aviation Panel | |
地球和海洋动力应用计划 | | Earth and Ocean Dynamics Application Programme | |
空间应用工作组 | | Working Panel on Space Application | |
航空空间技术应用小组 | | Panel on the Application of Space Techniques Relating to Aviation | |
计算机技术应用于矿物勘探开发专家组 | | Group of Experts on the Application of Computer Technology in Mineral Exploration and Development | |
外地应用程序股 | | Field Application Unit | |
遥感应用方桉 | | Remote Sensing Application Programme | |
海洋科学及其应用小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee on Marine Sciences and their Application (abolished) | |
应用发展科 | | Application Development Section | |
研究和应用其他筹资办法促进发展 | | Research and Application for Alternative Fianancing for Development | |
适用欧洲社会保障公约补充协定 | | Supplementary Agreement for the Application of the European Convention on Social Security | |
上层件 | | upperware / application upperware | |
气象卫星数据的管理与应用训练讨论会 | | Training Seminar on the Management and Application of Meteorological Satellite Data | |
企业预算编列应用程序 | | Enterprise Budgeting Application | |
带使用器的氧气瓶 | | oxygen cylinder including application | |
应用程序开发商 | | application developer | |
应用程序编制股 | | Application Programming Unit | |
亚洲科学技术应用于发展行动计划 | | Asian Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development | |
基础设施应用程序支助科 | | Infrastructure Application Support Section | |
外地应用程序科 | | Field Application Section | |
拉丁美洲科学和技术应用于发展行动计划 | | Latin American Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development | |
笔译承包管理系统 | | Contractor Management Application | |
理事会对采取具体反恐措施的共同立场 | | Council Common Position on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism | |
转型国家应用国民账户体系手册 | | Handbook on Application of SNA in Countries in Transition | |
和平协定实施股 | | Unit for the Application of the Peace Agreements | |
核驳 | hé bó | to reject (a patent application etc) | |
应用程序接口 | yìng yòng chéng xù jiē kǒu | application programming interface (API) | |