炸弹 | zhà dàn | bomb / CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] | |
轰炸 | hōng zhà | to bomb / to bombard / CL:陣|阵[zhen4] | |
炸掉 | zhà diào | to bomb | |
投弹 | tóu dàn | to throw an explosive charge / to bomb | |
爆弹 | bào dàn | bomb / explosion | |
智能 | zhì néng | intelligent / able / smart (phone, system, bomb etc) | |
原子弹 | yuán zǐ dàn | atom bomb / atomic bomb / A-bomb | |
定时炸弹 | dìng shí zhà dàn | time bomb | |
氢弹 | qīng dàn | H-bomb / hydrogen bomb | |
催泪弹 | cuī lèi dàn | tear bomb / tear-gas grenade | |
燃烧弹 | rán shāo dàn | fire bomb / incendiary device | |
轰响 | hōng xiǎng | loud sound, such as that of thunder or a bomb / to rumble / to roar | |
弹坑 | dàn kēng | bomb crater | |
烟幕弹 | yān mù dàn | smoke bomb | |
中子弹 | zhōng zǐ dàn | neutron bomb | |
脏弹 | zāng dàn | dirty bomb | |
子母弹 | zǐ mǔ dàn | (military) cluster bomb / shrapnel | |
狂轰滥炸 | kuáng hōng làn zhà | to bomb indiscriminately | |
烧夷弹 | shāo yí dàn | fire bomb / incendiary device | |
爆缩型核武器 | bào suō xíng hé wǔ qì | implosion bomb | |
核轰炸 | hé hōng zhà | nuclear bomb | |
化学航弹 | huà xué háng dàn | chemical bomb | |
裂变炸弹 | liè biàn zhà dàn | fission bomb | |
逻辑炸弹 | luó jí zhà dàn | logic bomb | |
内爆法原子弹 | nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn | implosion atomic bomb | |
汽车炸弹 | qì chē zhà dàn | car bomb | |
提前起爆 | tí qián qǐ bào | "fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire) / preinitiation | |
炸弹之母 | zhà dàn zhī mǔ | Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB), or Mother of All Bombs, a powerful American bomb | |
原子爆弹 | yuán zǐ bào dàn | atom bomb | |
原爆 | yuán bào | atom bomb / contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹[yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4] | |
嗡嗡弹 | wēng wēng dàn | buzzing bomb | |
子母炮弹 | zǐ mǔ pào dàn | artillery cluster bomb | |
子母炸弹 | zǐ mǔ zhà dàn | cluster bomb | |
时炸弹 | shí zhà dàn | time bomb | |
自杀式炸弹 | zì shā shì zhà dàn | a suicide bomb | |
臭弹 | chòu dàn | dead bomb (i.e. not exploding on impact) | |
集束炸弹 | jí shù zhà dàn | cluster bomb | |
脏彈 | zāng dàn | dirty bomb | |
炸弹之父 | zhà dàn zhī fù | Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power (ATBIP), or Father of All Bombs, a powerful Russian bomb | |
激光制导武器 | jī guāng zhì dǎo wǔ qì | laser guided bomb / laser guided weapon | |
炸弹威胁 | zhà dàn wēi xié | bomb threat | |
弹芯 | | bomb core / pit | |
制导炸弹28 | | Guided Bomb Unit 28 | |
肮脏炸弹 | | radioactive dispersal device / dirty bomb | |
土制弹簧引爆炸弹 | | socket bomb | |
Google炸弹 | | Googlebomb / link bomb | |
摄影闪光弹 | | photoflash bomb | |
迫击炮弹 | | mortar bomb | |
震荡炸弹 | | sound bomb | |
路边炸弹 | | roadside bomb | |
热压武器 | | thermobaric weapon / thermobaric bomb | |
热压弹 | | thermobaric weapon / thermobaric bomb | |
BLU-82炸弹 | | Bomb Live Unit 82 / daisy cutter | |
摘菊使者 | zhāi jú shǐ zhě | Bomb Live Unit 82 / daisy cutter | |
助爆型裂变弹 | | boosted fission bomb / boosted fission weapon / boosted device | |
助爆型裂变武器 | zhù bào xíng liè biàn wǔ qì | boosted fission bomb / boosted fission weapon / boosted device | |
强化辐射武器 | qiǎng huà fú shè wǔ qì | neutron bomb / enhanced radiation weapon / reduced blast weapon | |
弱冲击波武器 | | neutron bomb / enhanced radiation weapon / reduced blast weapon | |
跑道摧毁弹 | | runway cratering bomb / cratering bomb / runway busting bomb | |
爆炸物处理套服 | | explosive ordnance disposal suit / bomb suit / EOD suit | |
排弹服 | | explosive ordnance disposal suit / bomb suit / EOD suit | |
压力锅炸弹 | | pressure-cooker bomb | |
炸弹壳体 | | bomb casing | |
原子弹伤亡处理委员会 | | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission | |
闪光震撼弹 | | flash-bang diversionary grenade / flare and sound grenade / sound and flash grenade / stun grenade / sound bomb / percussion grenade | |
手提箱核武器 | | suitcase nuclear weapon / nuclear backpack bomb | |
背包核炸弹 | | suitcase nuclear weapon / nuclear backpack bomb | |
排弹 | | bomb disposal | |
盲目聪明炸弹 | | blind smart bomb | |
自由下落炸弹 | | gravity drop bomb / gravity bomb / iron bomb / dumb bomb / free-fall bomb | |
普通炸弹 | | gravity drop bomb / gravity bomb / iron bomb / dumb bomb / free-fall bomb | |
传单弹 | | propaganda bomb / leaflet bomb | |
破片杀伤炸弹 | | fragmentation bomb / fragmentation shell | |
土制炸弹 | | home-made bomb | |
两弹一星 | liǎng dàn yī xīng | (China's achievements of) producing an atomic bomb (1964) and hydrogen bomb (1967) and launching a satellite into space (1970) | |
计时炸弹 | jì shí zhà dàn | time bomb | |
大型空爆炸弹 | dà xíng kōng bào zhà dàn | Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB), a powerful American bomb | |
破片杀伤 | pò piàn shā shāng | (military) fragmentation (grenade, bomb etc) | |