联邦 | lián bāng | federal / federation / commonwealth / federal union / federal state / union | |
独联体 | Dú lián tǐ | Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union) / abbr. for 獨立國家聯合體|独立国家联合体 | |
英联邦 | Yīng Lián bāng | British Commonwealth of Nations | |
外交大臣 | wài jiāo dà chén | Foreign Secretary / (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | |
澳大利亚联邦 | Aò dà lì yà Lián bāng | Commonwealth of Australia | |
多米尼加联邦 | Duō mǐ ní jiā Lián bāng | the Commonwealth of Dominica | |
独立国家联合体 | Dú lì guó jiā lián hé tǐ | Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union) | |
多米尼克国 | duō mǐ ní kè guó | the Commonwealth of Dominica | |
英联邦种族主义与种族偏见问题宣言 | | Declaration of the Commonwealth on Racism and Racial Prejudice | |
英联邦外交部长南部非洲问题委员会 | | Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers on Southern Africa | |
英联邦成员国间移交既决罪犯计划 | | Commonwealth Scheme for the Transfer of Convicted Offenders within the Commonwealth / London Scheme | |
新加坡英联邦原则宣言 | xīn jiā pō yīng lián bāng yuán zé xuān yán | Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles | |
英联邦司法部长 | yīng lián bāng sī fǎ bù zhǎng | Commonwealth Law Ministers | |
英联邦信息技术促进发展网 | | Commonwealth Network on Information Technology for Development | |
英联邦私人投资倡议 | yīng lián bāng sī rén tóu zī chàng yì | Commonwealth Private Investment Initiative | |
巴哈马国 | | the Commonwealth of the Bahamas | |
英联邦公共行政和管理协会 | | Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management | |
英联邦工业训练和经验交流方桉 | | Commonwealth Industrial Training and Experience Programme | |
欧洲和独立国家联合体区域局 | | Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
独立国家联合体国家间统计委员会 | | Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦南部非洲问题知名人士小组 | yīng lián bāng nán bù fēi zhōu wèn tí zhī míng rén shì xiǎo zǔ | Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group on Southern Africa / Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons | |
英联邦南非观察团 | | Commonwealth Observer Mission to South Africa | |
英联邦观察员小组 | | Commonwealth Observer Group | |
外交部负责英联邦事务的部长级代表 | | Ministre des relations extérieures, chargé des relations avec le Commonwealth | |
英联邦联络股 | | Commonwealth Liaison Units | |
英联邦发展与民主专家组 | | Commonwealth Expert Group on Development and Democracy | |
英联邦技术管理合作协会 | | Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management | |
独立国家联合体联合武装部队 | dú lì guó jiā lián hé tǐ lián hé wǔ zhuāng bù duì | Unified Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦非洲理工学校协会 | | Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa | |
英联邦地方政府论坛 | | Commonwealth Local Government Forum | |
英联邦国家格莱尼格尔协定 | yīng lián bāng guó jiā gé lái ní gé ěr xié dìng | Gleneagles Agreement of Commonwealth States | |
英联邦善政方案 | yīng lián bāng shàn zhèng fāng àn | Commonwealth Good Government Programme | |
英联邦财政部长会议 | | Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting | |
英联邦森林会议 | | Commonwealth Forestry Conference | |
英联邦妇女与发展行动计划 | | Commonwealth Plan of Action on Gender and Development | |
哈拉雷英联邦宣言 | | Harare Commonwealth Declaration | |
英联邦电信组织 | yīng lián bāng diàn xìn zǔ zhī | Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation | |
自由联邦条约 | | Commonwealth Covenant | |
英联邦技术合作基金 | | Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation | |
英联邦气象学研究中心 | | Commonwealth Meteorology Research Centre | |
英联邦青年方桉加勒比中心 | | Commonwealth Youth Programme Caribbean Centre / CYP Caribbean | |
英联邦科学和技术中心 | | Commonwealth Centre for Science and Technology | |
英联邦青年方桉非洲中心 | | Commonwealth Youth Programme Africa / CYP Africa | |
英联邦商业论坛 | yīng lián bāng shāng yè lùn tán | Commonwealth Business Forum | |
英联邦商业理事会 | | Commonwealth Business Council | |
英联邦基金会 | | Commonwealth Foundation | |
英联邦青年方桉太平洋中心 | | Commonwealth Youth Programme South Pacific / CYP South Pacific | |
英联邦青年方桉亚洲中心 | | Commonwealth Youth Programme Asia / CYP Asia | |
区域电信共同体 | qū yù diàn xìn gòng tòng tǐ | Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications | |
英联邦青年信贷计划 | | Commonwealth Youth Credit Initiative | |
英联邦可再生能源区域信息系统 | yīng lián bāng kě zài shēng néng yuán qū yù xìn xī xì tǒng | Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information System | |
中欧、东欧、独立国家联合体区域办事处 | | Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States Regional Office | |
英联邦秘书长办公室 | yīng lián bāng mì shū zhǎng bàn gōng shì | Office of the Commonwealth Secretary-General | |
科工研组织空间科学应用处 | | CSIRO Office for Space Science Applications / Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Office for Space Science Applications | |
英联邦农业局 | yīng lián bāng nóng yè jú | Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux | |
英联邦工会理事会 | | Commonwealth Trade Union Council | |
英联邦人权教育会议 | | Commonwealth Conference on Human Rights Education | |
独联体国家元首理事会 | | Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
独立国家联合体集体维持和平部队规约 | | Statute on Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
集体安全条约 | | Treaty on Collective Security within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States / Treaty on Collective Security | |
英联邦空间研究协商委员会 | | Commonwealth Consultative Committee on Space Research | |
英联邦知识网 | | Commonwealth Knowledge Network | |
英联邦信息自由原则 | | Commonwealth Freedom of Information Principles | |
英联邦医学协会 | | Commonwealth Medical Association | |
艾滋病和人口流动问题英联邦会议 | | Commonwealth Meeting on AIDS and Human Movement | |
英联邦人类住区咨询小组 | | Commonwealth Consultative Group on Human Settlements | |
互助计划 | | Commonwealth Mutual Assistance Scheme / Mutual Assistance Scheme | |
英联邦青年会议 | | Commonwealth Youth Conference | |
英联邦青年事务部长 | | Commonwealth Ministers for Youth Affairs | |
2000-2005年英联邦扶持青年行动计划 | | Commonwealth Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment 2000-2005 | |
英联邦人类生态学理事会 | | Commonwealth Human Ecology Council | |
英联邦青年方桉 | | Commonwealth Youth Programme | |
英联邦秘书处 | | Commonwealth Secretariat | |
英联邦援助莫桑比克特别基金 | | Special Commonwealth Fund for Mozambique | |
哈拉雷英联邦宣言英联邦部长级行动小组 | | Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group on the Harare Commonwealth Declaration | |
英联邦科学和工业研究组织 | | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | |
英联邦航空研究咨询委员会 | | Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council | |
英联邦政府首脑会议宣言 | | Declaration by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting | |
英联邦开发公司 | | Commonwealth Development Corporation | |
英联邦国家人权机构讲习班 | | Commonwealth Workshop on National Human Rights Institutions | |
英联邦林业学会 | | Commonwealth Forestry Institute | |
在独立国家联合体维护和平与稳定备忘录 | | Memorandum on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦伯利兹问题部长小组 | | Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Belize | |
英联邦债务专家组 | | Commonwealth Expert Group on Debt | |
英联邦专家组 | | Commonwealth Group of Experts | |
英联邦资产基金 | | Commonwealth Equity Fund | |
开发署独立国家联合体信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
独立国家联合体宪章 | | Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦南部非洲协定 | | Commonwealth Accord on Southern Africa | |
建立独立国家联合体协定 | | Agreement establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦加勒比成员国预防犯罪合作会议 | | Conference for Collaboration in Crime Prevention in the Commonwealth Caribbean | |
英联邦奖学金和研究金计划 | | Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan | |
欧洲及独立国家联合体区域局 | | Regional Directorate for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
联合国合办独立国家联合体合作特派团 | | United Nations Joint Collaborative Mission to the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
欧洲和独立国家联合体司 | | Division for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
英联邦遥感委员会 | | Commonwealth Remote Sensing Committee | |
英联邦南部非洲委员会 | | Commonwealth Committee on Southern Africa | |
独立国家联合体预警工作会议 | | Meeting on Early Warning Work Covering the Commonwealth of Independent States | |
儿童问题区域网络 | | NGO / UNICEF Regional Network for Children in Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic States / Regional Network for Children | |
英联邦援助非洲特别计划 | | Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan | |