必 须 bì xū to have to / must / compulsory / necessarily 强 制 qiáng zhì to enforce / enforcement / forcibly / compulsory 必 修 bì xiū (of an academic course) required / compulsory 义 务 教 育 yì wù jiào yù compulsory education 必 修 课 bì xiū kè required course / compulsory course 离 休 lí xiū to retire / to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cadres) 徭 yáo compulsory service 停 止 损 失 tíng zhǐ sǔn shī stop loss order SL / compulsory halt to stock trading when prices fall to predetermined level 户 口 制 hù kǒu zhì PRC system of compulsory registration of households 户 口 制 度 hù kǒu zhì dù PRC system of compulsory registration 涨 跌 停 盘 指 数 zhǎng diē tíng pán zhǐ shù circuit breaker index / predetermined percentage of rise or fall triggering a compulsory halt to stock trading 强 迫 或 强 制 劳 动 公 约 Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour 强 制 性 措 施 qiǎng zhì xìng cuò shī compulsory measures / binding measures 义 务 投 票 yì wù tóu piào compulsory voting 强 制 投 票 qiǎng zhì tóu piào compulsory voting 关 于 强 制 解 决 争 端 的 任 择 议 定 书 Optional Protocol concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes 选 民 强 制 登 记 compulsory registration / compulsory voter registration 选 民 义 务 登 记 xuǎn mín yì wù dēng jì compulsory registration / compulsory voter registration 接 受 国 际 法 院 强 制 管 辖 权 的 声 明 Declaration recognizing as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in conformity with article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice / Declarations Recognizing as Compulsory the Jurisdiction of the 义 务 投 票 强 制 投 票 compulsory voting 农 业 企 业 雇 员 强 制 性 遗 属 保 险 公 约 Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings 农 业 受 雇 用 人 强 制 性 残 废 保 险 公 约 Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings 农 业 受 雇 用 人 强 制 性 老 年 保 险 公 约 Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings 欧 洲 机 动 车 辆 民 事 责 任 强 制 保 险 公 约 European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 强 制 性 回 收 compulsory return 关 于 强 制 解 决 争 端 的 任 择 签 字 议 定 书 Optional Protocol of Signature concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes 强 迫 或 强 制 劳 动 forced and compulsory labour 强 制 劳 动 compulsory labour 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC)