强制 | qiáng zhì | to enforce / enforcement / forcibly / compulsory | |
执法 | zhí fǎ | to enforce a law / law enforcement | |
城管 | chéng guǎn | local government bylaw enforcement officer / city management (abbr. for 城市管理行政執法局|城市管理行政执法局[Cheng2 shi4 Guan3 li3 Xing2 zheng4 Zhi2 fa3 ju2]) | |
缉毒 | jī dú | to counter narcotics trafficking / drug enforcement | |
颁行 | bān xíng | issue for enforcement | |
孟加拉国保障人权协会 | | Bangladesh Society for the Enforcement of Human Rights | |
环境守法与执法国际网络 | | International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement | |
强制执行行动 | | enforcement action | |
国际执法学院 | guó jì zhí fǎ xué yuàn | International Law Enforcement Academy | |
关于执行判决的示范协定 | | Model Agreement on the enforcement of sentences | |
国际禁毒执法训练战略 | | international drug law enforcement training strategy | |
全球渔业执法讲习班 | quán qiú yú yè zhí fǎ jiǎng xí bān | Global Fisheries Enforcement Workshop | |
国际缉毒会议 | | International Drug Enforcement Conference | |
森林执法与治理 | | Forest Law Enforcement and Governance | |
东亚森林执法和治理部长级会议 | | East Asia Ministerial Conference on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance | |
东道国执法部门 | dōng dào guó zhí fǎ bù mén | Host Country Law Enforcement | |
执法机关 | zhí fǎ jī guān | law enforcement agency | |
执行制裁支助队 | | Sanctions Enforcement Support Team | |
执行金融债权 | | enforcement of financial claims | |
判刑的执行 | | enforcement of sentences | |
印度尼西亚执法合作中心 | | Indonesia Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation | |
执法人员行为守则 | | Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials | |
各国禁毒执法机构负责人 | | Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies | |
缉毒机构 | qī dú jī gòu | Drug Enforcement Agency | |
海上执法 | hǎi shàng zhí fǎ | maritime law enforcement | |
森林执法 | sēn lín zhí fǎ | forest law enforcement | |
非洲森林法执行和治理 | | African Forest Law Enforcement and Governance | |
联合国禁毒执法训练讲习班 | | United Nations Drug Law Enforcement Training Workshop | |
执法人员使用武力和火器的基本原则 | | Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials | |
禁毒执法股 | | Counter-Narcotics Enforcement Unit | |
执行和平 | | peace enforcement | |
执行办法 | | enforcement measure | |
民商事桉件外国判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters | |
各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议 | | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies / HONLEA Meeting | |
执法、有组织犯罪和反洗钱股 | | Law Enforcement, Organized Crime and Anti Money Laundering Unit | |
雅加达执法合作中心 | | Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation | |
禁毒执法官员区域训练中心 | | Regional Training Centre for Drug Law Enforcement Officers | |
国际麻醉品和执法事务局 | | Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs | |
金融罪行执法网 | | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network | |
海关执法网 | hǎi guān zhí fǎ wǎng | Customs Enforcement Network | |
加勒比海关法执行理事会 | | Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council | |
森林执法、治理与贸易行动计划 | | Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan / FLEGT Action Plan | |
强制执行制裁 | | enforcement of sanctions | |
关于执法和受害者人权问题的开罗宣言 | | Cairo Declaration on Law Enforcement and the Human Rights of Victims | |
国际执法与受害者人权专题讨论会 | | International Symposium on Law Enforcement and the Human Rights of Victims | |
联合维持和平和执法部队 | | Joint Peacekeeping and Law Enforcement Forces | |
执行和平部队 | | peace enforcement unit | |
执法合作宣言 | | Declaration on Law Enforcement Cooperation | |
关于执法合作的霍尼亚拉宣言 | | Honiara Declaration of Law Enforcement Cooperation / Honiara Declaration | |
海上禁毒执法专家组 | | Expert Group on Maritime Drug Law Enforcement | |
缉毒署 | | Drug Enforcement Administration | |
有效执行执法人员行为守则的指导方针 | | Guidelines for the Effective Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials | |
执法人员行为守则执行情况调查 | | Inquiry on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials | |
承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards | |
抚养儿童义务判决的承认和执行公约 | | Convention concerning the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations towards children | |
扶养义务判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations | |
打击有组织犯罪与执法股 | | Anti-Organized Crime and Law Enforcement Unit | |
有关预防犯罪的执法问题工作组 | | Working Group on Law Enforcement in relation to the Prevention of Crime | |
国家间执法合作 | | inter-State law enforcement collaboration | |
国际禁毒执法人员协会 | | International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc. | |
联合国次区域禁毒执法训练讨论会 | | United Nations Sub-regional Drug Law Enforcement Training Seminar | |
联合国区域禁毒执法讨论会 | | United Nations Regional Drug Law Enforcement Seminar | |
强制执行任务 | | enforcement mandate | |
强制执行权 | | enforcement authority | |
欧洲区域各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议 | | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, European Region | |
非洲区域各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议 | | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, African Region | |
禁毒执法 | | drug law enforcement | |
执行麻醉药品法 | | drug law enforcement | |
加勒比部长级执法会议 | | Caribbean Ministerial Law Enforcement Conference | |
禁毒执法机构 | | drug law enforcement agencies | |
禁毒执法官员 | | drug law enforcement officer | |
战争策动者责任和执行惩罚问题委员会 | | Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties | |
权利的执行 | | enforcement of rights | |
缉毒人员 | | drug enforcement officer | |
城市管理行政执法局 | Chéng shì Guǎn lǐ Xíng zhèng Zhí fǎ jú | City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau (PRC) | |
治保 | zhì bǎo | law enforcement and protection of the public (as provided in the PRC by local security committees 治保會|治保会) | |