延长 | yán cháng | to prolong / to extend / to delay | |
耽误 | dān wu | to delay / to hold up / to waste time / to interfere with | |
延期 | yán qī | to delay / to extend / to postpone / to defer | |
拖延 | tuō yán | to delay / to put off / to procrastinate | |
推 | tuī | to push / to cut / to refuse / to reject / to decline / to shirk (responsibility) / to put off / to delay / to push forward / to nominate / to elect / massage | |
延迟 | yán chí | to delay / to postpone / to keep putting sth off / to procrastinate / (computing) to lag | |
延误 | yán wu | to delay / to be held up / to miss (an opportunity) / delay / holdup | |
耽搁 | dān ge | to tarry / to delay / to stop over | |
延后 | yán hòu | to postpone / to defer / to delay | |
迟滞 | chí zhì | delay / procrastination | |
迟延 | chí yán | to delay | |
误 | wù | mistake / error / to miss / to harm / to delay / to neglect / mistakenly | |
延 | yán | to prolong / to extend / to delay | |
拖 | tuō | to drag / to tow / to trail / to hang down / to mop (the floor) / to delay / to drag on | |
耗 | hào | to waste / to spend / to consume / to squander / news / (coll.) to delay / to dilly-dally | |
挨 | ái | to suffer / to endure / to pull through (hard times) / to delay / to stall / to play for time / to dawdle | |
淹 | yān | to flood / to submerge / to drown / to irritate the skin (of liquids) / to delay | |
奄 | yān | variant of 閹|阉[yan1] / to castrate / variant of 淹[yan1] / to delay | |
佻 | tiāo | frivolous / unsteady / delay | |
迟误 | chí wù | to delay / to procrastinate | |
延搁 | yán gē | to delay / to procrastinate | |
悮 | wù | to impede / to delay / variant of 誤|误[wu4] | |
拖宕 | tuō dàng | to delay / to postpone | |
挨延 | ái yán | to delay / to stretch out / to play for time | |
推宕 | tuī dàng | to postpone / to delay / to put sth off | |
磨烦 | mò fan | to pester / to bother sb incessantly / to delay / to prevaricate | |
缓办 | huǎn bàn | to postpone / to delay | |
愆期 | qiān qī | (formal) to delay / to miss a deadline / to fail to do sth at the appointed time | |
及时 | jí shí | in time / promptly / without delay / timely | |
赶紧 | gǎn jǐn | hurriedly / without delay | |
刻不容缓 | kè bù róng huǎn | to brook no delay / to demand immediate action | |
贻误 | yí wù | to affect adversely / to delay or hinder / to waste (an opportunity) / to mislead | |
急待 | jí dài | to need urgently / to need doing without delay | |
迁延 | qiān yán | long delay | |
误工 | wù gōng | to delay one's work / to be late for or absent from work / loss of working time | |
押车 | yā chē | to escort (goods) during transportation / to delay unloading (a truck, train etc) | |
赊购 | shē gòu | to buy on credit / to delay payment | |
隔岸观火 | gé àn guān huǒ | to watch the fires burning across the river / to delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves (idiom) | |
躭 | dān | variant of 耽 / to indulge in / to delay | |
懒驴上磨屎尿多 | lǎn lu:2 shàng mò shǐ niào duō | (proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working / lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing | |
拖尾巴 | tuō wěi ba | to obstruct / to be a drag on sb / to delay finishing off a job | |
跷足以待 | qiāo zú yǐ dài | lit. raise one's foot enough to delay / make a pretence of action (idiom) | |
迟交 | chí jiāo | to delay handing over (payment, homework etc) | |
延时引信 | yán shí yǐn xìn | time-delay fuse / delay fuse | |
阻滞行动 | delaying action / delay operation | ||
最初阻滞阵地 | initial delay position | ||
过度的拖延 | inordinate delay | ||
延时解除保险装置 | arming delay device | ||
烟火延时器 | pyrotechnic delay | ||
当断即断 | dāng duàn jí duàn | not to delay making a decision when a decision is needed | |
不便险 | bù biàn xiǎn | travel insurance covering flight delay, baggage loss etc (abbr. for 旅遊不便險|旅游不便险) | |
说干就干 | shuō gàn jiù gàn | to do what needs to be done, without delay |