对话 | duì huà | to talk (with sb) / dialogue / conversation | |
对白 | duì bái | dialogue (in a movie or a play) | |
台词 | tái cí | an actor's lines / dialogue / Taiwanese word | |
对口词 | duì kǒu cí | dialogue (for stage performance) | |
相声 | xiàng sheng | comic dialogue / sketch / crosstalk | |
段子 | duàn zi | item of storytelling or performed dialogue (folk arts) / sketch | |
潜台词 | qián tái cí | unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer / subtext / (fig.) implicit assertion | |
各执一词 | gè zhí yī cí | each sticks to his own version (idiom) / a dialogue of the deaf | |
江八点 | jiāng bā diǎn | "Jiang Zemin's eight-point formula" (for resuming a dialogue with Taiwan) | |
各执己见 | gè zhí jǐ jiàn | each sticks to his own view (idiom) / a dialogue of the deaf | |
对口相声 | duì kǒu xiàng shēng | comic crosstalk / formalized comic dialogue between two stand-up comics: funny man 逗哏[dou4 gen2] and straight man 捧哏[peng3 gen2] | |
撒科打诨 | sā kē dǎ hùn | to intersperse comic dialogue (as they do in operas) | |
逗哏 | dòu gén | funny man (lead role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]) / to joke / to play the fool / to provoke laughter | |
捧哏 | pěng gén | straight man (supporting role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]) / to react with exasperation to the silliness of the funny man 逗哏[dou4 gen2] | |
包容性政治对话 | bāo róng xìng zhèng zhì duì huà | Inclusive Political Dialogue | |
全国对话 | quán guó duì huà | national dialogue | |
水和气候对话 | | Dialogue on Water and Climate | |
文明间对话和人权问题第叁常设委员会 | | Third Standing Committee on Dialogue among Civilisations and Human Rights | |
多方利益攸关方对话 | duō fāng lì yì yōu guān fāng duì huà | multi-stakeholder dialogue | |
瓜伊穆拉斯对话 | guā yī mù lā sī duì huà | Guaymuras Dialogue | |
森林对话 | sēn lín duì huà | The Forest Dialogue | |
图斯特拉对话和协调机制 | | Tuxtla Mechanism for Dialogue and Coordination | |
国家对话讲习班 | guó jiā duì huà jiǎng xí bān | Country Dialogue Workshop | |
欧洲文化间对话年 | | European Year of Intercultural Dialogue | |
黎巴嫩全国对话会议 | | Lebanese National Dialogue Conference | |
海利根达姆对话进程 | hǎi lì gēn dá mǔ duì huà jìn chéng | Heiligendamm Dialogue Process | |
全球对话研究所 | quán qiú duì huà yán jiū suǒ | Institute for Global Dialogue | |
亚欧会议不同信仰间对话 | | Asia-Europe Meeting Interfaith Dialogue | |
国际移徙和发展问题高级别对话 | | High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development | |
南部非洲双赢伙伴关系国际对话 | nán bù fēi zhōu shuāng yíng huǒ bàn guān xì guó jì duì huà | Southern Africa International Dialogue on Smart Partnership | |
宗教间对话的麦加呼吁 | | The Mecca Appeal for Interfaith Dialogue | |
联合国不同文明对话年 | lián hé guó bù tòng wén míng duì huà nián | United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations | |
高级别互动对话 | | High-level Interactive Dialogue | |
亚洲-中东对话 | | Asia-Middle East Dialogue | |
建设和平与建设国家国际对话 | | International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding | |
东帝汶人民所有党派对话 | | All-Inclusive Intra-East Timorese dialogue | |
达尔富尔-达尔富尔对话和协商筹备委员会 | | Preparatory Committee of the Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation | |
穆斯林-基督徒对话会议 | | Muslim-Christian Dialogue Conference | |
关于黎巴嫩全国对话会议成果的多哈协议 | | Doha Agreement on the results of the Lebanese National Dialogue Conference / Doha agreement | |
多哈协议 | | Doha Agreement on the results of the Lebanese National Dialogue Conference / Doha agreement | |
国际宗教间对话大会 | | International Congress on Interreligious Dialogue | |
互动对话 | hù dòng duì huà | interactive dialogue | |
文化间和平与对话高级小组 | | High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures | |
地中海对话 | | Mediterranean Dialogue | |
水、粮食和环境问题对话 | | Dialogue on Water, Food and Environment | |
文化政策和文化间对话司 | | Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue | |
世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日 | | World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development | |
不同文明对话国际会议 | | International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations | |
安娜·林德欧洲-地中海文化间对话基金会 | | Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures | |
不同文明、文化和民族对话国际会议 | | International Conference on the Dialogue among Civilizations, Cultures and Peoples | |
不同文明对话国际中心 | | International Centre for Dialogue among Civilizations | |
德黑兰不同文明之间的对话宣言 | | Tehran Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations | |
不同文明之间的对话 | | inter-civilizational dialogue | |
人道主义对话中心 | | Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue | |
发展对话伙伴会议 | | Partnerships for Development Dialogue Conference | |
发展筹资问题高级别对话 | | High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development | |
全球电子商务企业对话 | | Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce | |
美洲水问题对话 | měi zhōu shuǐ wèn tí duì huà | Inter-American Water Dialogue | |
不同文明对话问题伊斯兰专题讨论会 | | Islamic Symposium on Dialogue among Civilizations | |
不同文明对话全球议程 | bù tòng wén míng duì huà quán qiú yì chéng | Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations | |
关于促进全球对话和民主的巴勒斯坦倡议 | | Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy | |
国际税务对话论坛 | guó jì shuì wù duì huà lùn tán | International Tax Dialogue | |
不同信仰间对话南京声明 | | Nanjing Statement on Interfaith Dialogue | |
亨利·杜南人道主义对话中心 | | Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue | |
全球粮食危机和食物权交互专题对话 | | Interactive Thematic Dialogue on the Global Food Crisis and the Right to Food | |
宗教间对话与合作促进和平部长级会议 | | Ministerial Meeting on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace | |
宗教间合作促进和平与和谐对话 | | Dialogue on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace and Harmony | |
宏观经济对话网 | | Macroeconomic Dialogue Network | |
加强公共服务改革中社会对话实用指南 | | Practical Guide for Strengthening Social Dialogue in Public Service Reform | |
伊拉克全国对话阵线 | | National Iraqi Dialogue Front | |
研究所和安全对话会议 | | Conference on Institutes and the Security Dialogue | |
黎巴嫩-巴勒斯坦对话委员会 | | Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee | |
不同信仰间的对话和合作实现和平宣言 | | Declaration on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace | |
非洲安全对话和研究所 | | African Security Dialogue and Research | |
世界对话会议 | | World Conference on Dialogue | |
国际伊斯兰对话会议 | | International Islamic Conference for Dialogue | |
刚果人对话 | | Inter-Congolese Dialogue | |
区域住房权利对话 | | Regional Housing Rights Dialogue | |
和解与民族对话计划 | | Reconciliation and National Dialogue Plan / National Reconciliation Plan | |
丝绸之路-对话之路综合研究 | | Integral Study of the Silk Roads - Roads of Dialogue | |
军方和军方对话 | | military-to-military dialogue | |
伊拉克全国对话党 | | Iraqi National Dialogue | |
亚洲合作对话 | | Asia Cooperation Dialogue | |
政策对话中心 | | Centre for Policy Dialogue | |
协商和对话委员会 | | Committee on Consensus-building and Dialogue | |
巴勒斯坦内部对话 | | intra-Palestinian dialogue | |
森林研究对话 | | Dialogue on Forest Research | |
南南对话会议 | | South-South Dialogue Conference | |
世界宗教间对话会议 | | World Conference on Interreligious Dialogue | |
关于联合国和和平力量的国际对话 | | International Dialogue on the United Nations and the Peace Forces | |
北亚区域对话次区域会议 | | Subregional Meeting on North Asia Regional Dialogue | |
区域宗教间对话 | | Regional Interfaith Dialogue | |
宗教间对话计划-信仰之路 | | Inter-religious Dialogue Programme - Roads of Faith | |
多方利益攸关者对话部分 | | multi-stakeholder dialogue segment | |
维也纳对话 | | Vienna Dialogue | |
区域不同 | | Cebu Dialogue on Regional Interfaith Cooperation for Peace, Development and Human Dignity | |
关于建立伙伴关系的对话 | | Dialogue on Building Partnerships | |