教育性 | jiào yù xìng | instructive / educational | |
学院 | xué yuàn | college / educational institute / school / faculty / CL:所[suo3] | |
学历 | xué lì | educational background / academic qualifications | |
院校 | yuàn xiào | college / academy / educational institution | |
学府 | xué fǔ | educational establishment | |
学制 | xué zhì | educational system / length of schooling | |
教务 | jiào wù | educational administration | |
教具 | jiào jù | teaching aids / educational materials | |
教科文组织 | Jiào Kē Wén Zǔ zhī | UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | |
联合国教科文组织 | Lián hé guó Jiào Kē Wén Zǔ zhī | UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | |
教学软件 | | courseware / teachware / educational software | |
国子监 | Guó zǐ jiàn | Imperial College (or Academy), the highest educational body in imperial China | |
太学 | Tài xué | Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest educational institute in ancient China until the Sui Dynasty | |
教学机构 | jiào xué jī gòu | educational organization | |
教育电视 | jiào yù diàn shì | Educational Television (Hong Kong) | |
取其精华,去其糟粕 | qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò | take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan) / keep what is good, discard the rest / You need to be selective when studying. / In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas. | |
教育背景 | jiào yù bèi jǐng | educational background | |
文化水平 | wén huà shuǐ píng | educational level | |
联合国教育、科学及文化组织 | | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | |
联合国南部非洲教育和训练方桉 | | United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa | |
非洲教育科学局 | | African Bureau of Educational Sciences | |
教育援助方桉 | | Educational Assistance Programme | |
安德列斯·贝略协定 | ān dé liè sī middot;bèi lu:è xié dìng | Andrés Bello Convention concerning the educational, scientific and cultural integration of the countries of the Andean Region / Andrés Bello Convention | |
教育电视卫星系统 | | educational television satellite system | |
教育资源中心 | | Educational Resource Centre | |
内罗毕议定书 | | Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials / Nairobi Protocol | |
教育广播 | | educational broadcast | |
国际教育发展会 | | International Educational Development, Inc. | |
教育管理信息系统 | | Educational Management Information System | |
世界教育研究协会 | | World Association for Educational Research | |
国际教育评价协会 | | International Association for Educational Assessment | |
关于教育证书的宣言 | | Declaration on Educational Certificates | |
亚洲及太平洋教育改革促进发展方桉 | | Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development | |
用于教育的大众媒体和视听系统 | | educational mass media and audio-visual systems | |
开发署南部非洲教育和训练方桉信托基金 | | UNDP Trust Fund for the Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa (UNETPSA) | |
亚洲教育改革促进发展中心 | | Asia-Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development | |
国际教学工具理事会 | | International Council for Educational Media | |
教育援助 | | educational assistance | |
伊斯兰教育、科学和文化组织 | | Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | |
安德雷斯·贝略公约 | | Andrés Bello Convention concerning educational, scientific, technological and cultural integration / Andrés Bello Convention | |
关于教育、科学和文化物品的进口的协定 | | Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials | |
阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学组织 | | Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization | |
教育事务处 | | Office of Educational Affairs | |
佛罗伦萨协定 | | Florence Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials / Florence Agreement | |
Beth Chabad国际犹太教育和文化网 | | Beth Chabad - International Jewish Educational and Cultural Network | |
拉丁美洲教育影片研究所 | | Latin American Institute of Educational Films | |
拉丁美洲卫生教育技术中心 | | Latin American Centre for Educational Technology in Health | |
区域教育人员训练中心 | | Regional Centre for the Training of Educational Personnel | |
教育电影 | | educational film | |
教育影片 | | educational film | |
拉丁美洲教育交流研究所 | | Latin American Institute for Educational Communication | |
国际教育评价中心 | | International Centre for Educational Evaluation | |
带酬脱产学习公约 | | Convention concerning Paid Educational Leave | |
教育外联 | | educational outreach | |
教育系统框架内空间技术区域讲习班 | | Regional Workshop on Space Technology within the Framework of Educational Systems | |
教育技术工作组 | | Working Group on Educational Technology | |
空间应用方面的教育和训练方桉 | | Educational and Training Programmes in Space Applications | |
保健科学面向社区教育机构网 | | Network of Community-Oriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences | |
Annai教育协会 | | Annai Educational Society | |
社会和教育援助组织协会 | | Association of Organizations for Social and Educational Assistance | |
效果教育基金 | | RESULTS Educational Fund | |
柯林斯教士南部非洲教育信托基金 | | Canon Collins Educational Trust for Southern Africa | |
课程软件 | | courseware / teachware / educational software | |
东非和南部非洲教育研究网 | | Educational Research Network of Eastern and Southern Africa | |
欧洲教育信托基金 | | European Educational Research Trust | |
国际教育规划研究所 | | International Institute for Educational Planning | |
关于国际交换教育影片便利办法的公约 | | Convention concerning Facilities for International Exchanges of Films for Educational Purposes | |
阿拉伯国家教育革新促进发展方桉 | | Educational Innovation Programme for Development in the Arab States | |
东南欧教育改革研究和发展合作方桉 | | Programme of Cooperation in Research and Development for Educational Innovation in South-East Europe | |
联合国南部非洲教育和训练方桉信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa | |
教育设施 | | educational facility | |
国际教育规划者学会 | | International Society of Educational Planners | |
具有性别偏见的教材 | | gender-biased educational material | |
孟买教育信托基金 | | Mumbai Educational Trust | |
国际教育影片理事会 | | International Council for Educational Films | |
教育资料袋 | | educational kit | |
区域教育媒体资源交流服务 | | Regional Educational Media Resources Exchange Services | |
南非种族隔离受害者教育需要国际会议 | | International Conference on the Educational Needs of the Victims of Apartheid in South Africa | |
国际教育报告服务处 | | International Educational Reporting Service | |
国际教育发展理事会 | | International Council for Educational Development | |
非洲难民教育方桉 | | Educational Programme for African Refugees | |
伊比利亚-美洲教育电视 | | Ibero-American Educational Television | |
国际教育规划会议 | | International Conference on Educational Planning | |
非洲教育信托基金 | | Africa Educational Trust | |
国际教育成就评价协会 | | International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement | |
教育外联科 | | Educational Outreach Section | |
非洲人国民大会全面教育训练社区计划 | | ANC Comprehensive Educational Training Community Scheme | |
教育当局 | | educational authorities | |
教育政策委员会 | | Educational Policies Committee | |
加勒比教育革新促进发展网 | | Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development | |
非洲教育改革促进发展网 | | Network of Educational Innovation for Development in Africa | |
教材捐献计划 | | Educational Materials Donations Schemes | |
教育发展学会 | | Academy for Educational Development | |
智力玩具 | zhì lì wán jù | educational toy | |
益智玩具 | yì zhì wán jù | educational toy | |
教学软体 | jiào xué ruǎn tǐ | (Tw) educational software / courseware | |