卫士 | wèi shì | guardian / defender | |
监护人 | jiān hù rén | guardian | |
保护人 | bǎo hù rén | guardian / carer / patron | |
卫报 | Wèi Bào | The Guardian (U.K. newspaper) | |
精灵守护者 | jīng líng shǒu hù zhě | Guardian | |
家长 | jiā zhǎng | head of a household / family head / patriarch / parent or guardian of a child | |
金刚 | jīn gāng | diamond / (used to translate Sanskrit "vajra", a thunderbolt or mythical weapon) / guardian deity (in Buddhist iconography) | |
关羽 | Guān Yǔ | Guan Yu (-219), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, fearsome fighter famous for virtue and loyalty / posthumously worshipped and identified with the guardian Bodhisattva Sangharama | |
监护 | jiān hù | to act as a guardian | |
保护神 | bǎo hù shén | patron saint / guardian angel | |
石狮子 | shí shī zi | guardian lion, a lion statue traditionally placed at the entrance of Chinese imperial palaces, imperial tombs, temples etc | |
金刚怒目 | jīn gāng nù mù | to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity (idiom) | |
伊朗宪监会 | Yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì | Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran | |
宪法监护委员会 | Xiàn fǎ Jiān hù Wěi yuán huì | Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which governs Iran | |
韦驮菩薩 | wéi tuó pú sà | Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhisattva | |
监护委员会 | | Guardian Council of the Constitution / Guardian Council | |
韦驮菩萨 | Wéi tuó Pú sà | Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhisattva | |