半 bàn half / semi- / incomplete / (after a number) and a half 一 半 yī bàn half 半 数 bàn shù half the number / half 半 截 bàn jié half (of sth) / halfway through 参 半 cān bàn half / half and half / both ... and ... / just as much ... as ... / equally 半 拉 bàn lǎ (coll.) half 同 母 异 父 tóng mǔ yì fù (of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers / half (brother or sister) 同 父 异 母 tóng fù yì mǔ (of siblings) having the same father but different mothers / half (brother or sister) 半 年 bàn nián half a year 半 天 bàn tiān half of the day / a long time / quite a while / midair / CL:個|个[ge4] 半 个 bàn ge half of sth 上 半 年 shàng bàn nián first half (of a year) 下 半 年 xià bàn nián second half of the year 大 半 dà bàn more than half / greater part / most / probably / most likely 半 小 时 bàn xiǎo shí half hour 半 晌 bàn shǎng half of the day / a long time / quite a while 另 一 半 lìng yī bàn other half / (fig.) spouse / one's better half 迷 糊 mí hu muddle-headed / dazed / only half conscious 过 半 guò bàn over fifty percent / more than half 半 边 bàn biān half of sth / one side of sth 事 半 功 倍 shì bàn gōng bèi half the work, twice the effect (idiom) / the right approach saves effort and leads to better results / a stitch in time saves nine 下 半 身 xià bàn shēn lower half of one's body / Lower Body (Chinese poetry movement of the early 21st century) 半 死 bàn sǐ half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc) / (tired) to death / (terrified) out of one's wits / (beaten) to within an inch of one's life / (knock) the daylights out of sb 半 价 bàn jià half price 一 年 半 yī nián bàn a year and a half 半 场 bàn chǎng half of a game or contest / half-court 减 半 jiǎn bàn to reduce by half 斩 断 zhǎn duàn to cut off / to chop sth in half 半 生 bàn shēng half a lifetime 半 信 半 疑 bàn xìn bàn yí half doubting / dubious / skeptical 明 末 Míng mò late Ming / first half of the 17th century 半 边 天 bàn biān tiān half the sky / women of the new society / womenfolk 欠 身 qiàn shēn to half rise out of one's chair (a polite gesture) 半 壁 江 山 bàn bì jiāng shān half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands) / vast swathe of territory 半 响 bàn xiǎng half the day / a long time / quite a while 半 条 命 bàn tiáo mìng half a life / only half alive / barely alive / (scared, beaten etc) half to death 将 信 将 疑 jiāng xìn jiāng yí half believing, half doubting / skeptical 一 知 半 解 yī zhī bàn jiě lit. to know one and understand half (idiom) / a smattering of knowledge / dilettante / amateur 半 辈 子 bàn bèi zi half of a lifetime 青 年 节 Qīng nián jié Youth Day (May 4th), PRC national holiday for young people aged 14 to 28, who get half a day off 六 点 半 liù diǎn bàn half past six / 6:30 腰 斩 yāo zhǎn to chop sb in half at the waist (capital punishment) / to cut sth in half / to reduce sth by a dramatic margin / to terminate / to cut short 蒙 胧 méng lóng drowsy / half-asleep / half sleeping, half waking 事 倍 功 半 shì bèi gōng bàn twice the effort for half the result 半 世 纪 bàn shì jì half century 虎 符 hǔ fú tiger tally (a two-piece object made in the shape of a tiger, used in ancient China as proof of authority. One half of a tally could be issued to a military officer and this would be matched with the other half when verification was required.) 半 打 bàn dá half a dozen 半 载 bàn zài half load 半 载 bàn zǎi half a year 半 轴 bàn zhóu semiaxis / half axle 半 票 bàn piào half-price ticket / half fare 上 半 夜 shàng bàn yè first half of the night / time before midnight 下 半 旗 xià bàn qí half mast / half staff 延 髓 yán suǐ medulla oblongata (the lower half of the brainstem) 前 半 夜 qián bàn yè first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight) 一 鳞 半 爪 yī lín bàn zhuǎ lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom) / only odd bits and pieces 瓜 皮 帽 guā pí mào Chinese skullcap resembling the skin of half a watermelon 辗 zhǎn roll over on side / turn half over 溏 táng half congealed / pond 半 推 半 就 bàn tuī bàn jiù half willing and half unwilling (idiom) / to yield after making a show of resistance 断 袖 之 癖 duàn xiù zhī pǐ lit. cut sleeve (idiom) / fig. euphemism for homosexuality, originating from History of Western Han 漢書|汉书: emperor Han Aidi (real name Liu Xin) was in bed with his lover Dong Xian, and had to attend a court audience that morning. Not wishing to awaken Dong Xian, who was sleeping with his head resting on the emperor's long robe sleeve, Aidi used a knife to cut off the lower half of his sleeve. 二 一 添 作 五 èr yī tiān zuò wǔ lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning) / to share fairly between two parties / to go fifty-fifty 行 百 里 者 半 九 十 xíng bǎi lǐ zhě bàn jiǔ shí lit. ninety li is merely a half of a hundred li journey (idiom) / fig. the closer one is to completing a task, the tougher it gets / a task is not done until it's done 二 分 之 一 èr fēn zhī yī one half 上 半 叶 shàng bàn yè the first half (of a period) 零 点 五 líng diǎn wǔ zero point five, 0.5 / one half 半 视 野 bàn shì yě half visual field 半 数 以 上 bàn shù yǐ shàng more than half 半 以 上 bàn yǐ shàng more than half 半 真 半 假 bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ (idiom) half true and half false 上 半 shàng bàn first half 十 五 亿 shí wǔ yì one and a half billion 熰 ǒu copious smoke produced by smoldering firewood / half alight / to use the smoke of burning wormwood etc to repel insects 上 半 部 分 shàng bàn bù fèn upper part / top half 前 半 天 qián bàn tiān morning / a.m. / first half of the day 前 半 晌 qián bàn shǎng morning / a.m. / first half of the day 半 个 世 纪 bàn ge shì jì half a century 半 公 斤 bàn gōng jīn half kilo 半 拱 bàn gǒng semiarch / half arch 半 开 半 关 bàn kāi bàn guān half-open, half closed 反 正 一 样 fǎn zhèng yī yàng whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference / six of one and half a dozen of the other / as broad as it is long 太 半 tài bàn more than half / a majority / most / mostly 妇 女 能 顶 半 边 天 fù nu:3 néng dǐng bàn biān tiān Woman can hold up half the sky / fig. nowadays, women have an equal part to play in society 少 女 露 笑 脸 , 婚 事 半 成 全 shào nu:3 lù xiào liǎn , hūn shì bàn chéng quán When the girl smiles, the matchmaker's job is half done. (idiom) 后 半 hòu bàn latter half 后 半 场 hòu bàn chǎng second half (of sporting competition) 后 半 叶 hòu bàn yè latter half (of a decade, century etc) 明 初 Míng chū the early Ming (i.e. from second half of 14th century) 漢 末 魏 初 hàn mò wèi chū late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD) 泰 半 tài bàn more than half / a majority / most / mostly 约 分 yuē fēn reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths) / to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator 聪 明 过 头 cōng ming guò tóu too clever by half / excessive ingenuity 要 死 不 活 yào sǐ bù huó half dead / more dead than alive 头 半 天 tóu bàn tiān morning / first half of the day 联 合 国 妇 女 十 年 后 半 期 行 动 纲 领 Programme of Action for the Second Half of the United Nations Decade for Women 平 均 潮 位 píng jūn cháo wèi mean tide level / half tide level 汉 末 魏 初 Hàn mò Wèi chū late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD) 酒 至 半 酣 jiǔ zhì bàn hān to drink until one is half drunk 下 半 xià bàn second half 半 表 半 里 bàn biǎo bàn lǐ half outside, half inside / half interior, half exterior