秒 | miǎo | second (unit of time) / arc second (angular measurement unit) / (coll.) instantly | |
即刻 | jí kè | immediately / instant / instantly | |
顷刻 | qǐng kè | instantly / in no time | |
旋踵 | xuán zhǒng | to turn on one's heel / in the twinkle of an eye / instantly | |
一夕 | yī xī | overnight / instantly / very quickly | |
不假思索 | bù jiǎ sī suǒ | to act without taking time to think (idiom) / to react instantly / to fire from the hip | |
闻风而动 | wén fēng ér dòng | to respond instantly / to act at once on hearing the news | |
秒懂 | miǎo dǒng | to understand instantly |