关 联 guān lián related / linked / affiliated 连 锁 lián suǒ to interlock / to be linked / chain (store etc) 离 不 开 lí bu kāi inseparable / inevitably linked to 千 丝 万 缕 qiān sī wàn lu:3 linked in countless ways 多 肽 duō tài polypeptide, chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a component of protein 链 表 liàn biǎo linked list 肽 tài peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH) 心 有 灵 犀 一 点 通 xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom) / fig. two hearts beat as one 密 不 可 分 mì bù kě fēn inextricably linked (idiom) / inseparable 环 环 相 扣 huán huán xiāng kòu closely linked with one another / interlocked / to interrelate 倪 嗣 冲 Ní Sì chōng Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] during his unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire 百 度 十 大 神 兽 bǎi dù shí dà shén shòu The Baidu 10 Mythical Creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC internet censorship) 盘 亘 pán gèn linked in a unbroken chain 结 连 jié lián linked in a chain 缩 多 氨 酸 suō duō ān suān polypeptide, a chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a component of protein / same as 多肽[duo1 tai4] 缩 氨 酸 suō ān suān peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH) / same as 肽[tai4] 连 接 框 lián jiē kuàng connection frame / linked frame 联 接 职 等 lián jiē zhí děng linked grades 基 本 联 接 系 统 jī běn lián jiē xì tǒng Basic Linked System 十 大 神 兽 shí dà shén shòu the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Internet censorship) 勾 连 gōu lián to be linked together / to be involved with / to collude / interconnection / involvement / collusion 接 龙 jiē lóng to build up a sequence / a succession of things, each linked to the previous one 涉 诈 shè zhà to be linked to fraudulent activity