事宜 | shì yí | matters / arrangements | |
军事 | jūn shì | military affairs / military matters / military | |
做事 | zuò shì | to work / to handle matters / to have a job | |
领导小组 | lǐng dǎo xiǎo zǔ | leading small group (LSG), a CCP body that exercises general oversight on matters relating to a specific area (LSG for foreign affairs 外事工作, LSG for comprehensively deepening reforms 全面深化改革 / etc) / aka central leading group | |
理事 | lǐ shì | member of council / (literary) to take care of matters | |
家事 | jiā shì | family matters / domestic affairs / housework | |
公事 | gōng shì | work-related matters / documents | |
省事 | shěng shì | to simplify matters / to save trouble | |
自爆 | zì bào | to explode / spontaneous detonation / self-detonation / suicide bombing / to disclose private matters about oneself | |
谜团 | mí tuán | riddle / enigma / unpredictable situation / elusive matters | |
个人隐私 | gè rén yǐn sī | personal privacy / private matters | |
私事 | sī shì | personal matters | |
雪上加霜 | xuě shàng jiā shuāng | (idiom) to make matters even worse / to add insult to injury | |
斤斤计较 | jīn jīn jì jiào | to haggle over every ounce / (fig.) to fuss over minor matters / to split hairs | |
总务 | zǒng wù | general matters / division of general affairs / person in overall charge | |
两回事 | liǎng huí shì | two quite different things / two unrelated matters | |
杂碎 | zá suì | offal / mixed entrails / trivial matters | |
目中无人 | mù zhōng wú rén | to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom) / so arrogant that no-one else matters / condescending / to go about with one's nose in the air | |
侨务 | qiáo wù | matters relating to the Chinese diaspora (as a concern of the Chinese government) | |
操办 | cāo bàn | to arrange matters | |
一概而论 | yī gài ér lùn | to lump different matters together (idiom) | |
轻重缓急 | qīng zhòng huǎn jí | slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom) / to deal with important matters first / sense of priority | |
明哲保身 | míng zhé bǎo shēn | a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom) / to put one's own safety before matters of principle | |
戎马 | róng mǎ | military horse / by extension, military matters | |
饥不择食 | jī bù zé shí | when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom) / beggars can't be choosers / When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives. | |
火上加油 | huǒ shàng jiā yóu | to add oil to the fire (idiom) / fig. to aggravate a situation / to enrage people and make matters worse | |
饮鸩止渴 | yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě | lit. drinking poison in the hope of quenching one's thirst (idiom) / fig. a supposed remedy that only makes matters worse | |
中共中央办公厅 | Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Bàn gōng tīng | General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee / abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4] | |
越俎代庖 | yuè zǔ dài páo | lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom) / fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs / to take matters into one's own hands | |
谋事 | móu shì | to plan matters / to look for a job | |
琐屑 | suǒ xiè | trivial matters / petty things | |
干休 | gān xiū | to let matters rest | |
火上浇油 | huǒ shàng jiāo yóu | to pour oil on the fire (idiom) / fig. to aggravate a situation / to enrage people and make matters worse | |
欲盖弥彰 | yù gài mí zhāng | trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous (idiom) / A cover up only makes matters worse. | |
应付自如 | yìng fu zì rú | to handle matters with ease (idiom) / to hold one's own | |
众说纷揉 | zhòng shuō fēn róu | lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom) / opinions differ / controversial matters | |
缓急轻重 | huǎn jí qīng zhòng | slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom) / to deal with important matters first / sense of priority / also written 輕重緩急|轻重缓急 | |
床笫之私 | chuáng zǐ zhī sī | intimate matters | |
宵衣旰食 | xiāo yī gàn shí | to dress before light and not eat before dark (idiom) / diligently attending to official matters | |
小聪明 | xiǎo cōng ming | clever-clever / clever in trivial matters / sharp but petty-minded | |
不慌不忙 | bù huāng bù máng | calm and unhurried (idiom) / composed / to take matters calmly | |
后账 | hòu zhàng | undisclosed account / to settle matters later / to blame sb after the event | |
不辨菽麦 | bù biàn shū mài | lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (idiom) / fig. ignorant of practical matters | |
两耳不闻窗外事 | liǎng ěr bù wén chuāng wài shì | to pay no attention to outside matters | |
共商大计 | gòng shāng dà jì | to discuss matters of vital importance | |
势殊事异 | shì shū shì yì | lit. conditions unique and matters different / things are not the same as before (idiom) | |
此道 | cǐ dào | such matters / things like this / this line of work / this pursuit / this hobby / this endeavor | |
杀鸡何必要用牛刀呢 | shā jī hé bì yào yòng niú dāo ne | don't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut / de minimis non curat praetor (trivial matters are of no concern to a high official) | |
留尾巴 | liú wěi ba | to leave loose ends / to leave matters unresolved | |
话里套话 | huà lǐ tào huà | to use seemingly innocent conversation topics as a pretext to glean information / to touch upon other matters not central to the topic being discussed | |
超然世事 | chāo rán shì shì | to consider oneself above worldly matters (idiom) | |
重文轻武 | zhòng wén qīng wǔ | to value letters and belittle arms (idiom) / to stress civil matters and neglect the military / to prefer the pen to the sword | |
司法、立法和宪法框架问题委员会 | | Committee for Judicial, Legislative Matters and Constitutional Framework | |
工业安全和环境事项工作队 | | Task Force on Industrial Safety and Environmental Matters | |
美洲刑事事项互助公约 | | Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters | |
刑事事项互助公约 | | Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters | |
欧洲联盟成员国刑事事项互助公约 | | Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union | |
税务信息交换协定 | shuì wù xìn xī jiāo huàn xié dìng | Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters | |
刑事事项诉讼转移示范协定 | | Model Agreement on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters | |
负责维持和平问题和特别任务的助理主任 | | Assistant Director for Peace-Keeping Matters and Special Assignments | |
语文事务 | | Linguistic Matters | |
维持和平事项和特别任务股 | | Unit for Peacekeeping Matters and Special Assignements | |
关于从国外调取民事或商事证据的公约 | | Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters | |
行政和财务事项委员会 | | Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters | |
秘书长关于预防和解决冲突问题特别顾问 | | Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Matters Relating to the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts | |
经济和社会事务全国和解协定 | | National Conciliation Agreement on Economic and Social Matters | |
海牙送达公约 | | Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters / Hague Service Convention | |
工作人员事宜协商小组 | gōng zuò rén yuán shì yí xié shāng xiǎo zǔ | Consultative Group on Staff Matters | |
有关裁军事项的特别委员会 | | Special Commission for disarmament-related matters | |
环境事务指定官员 | huán jìng shì wù zhǐ dìng guān yuán | Designated Official for Environmental Matters | |
因特网事项工作组 | | Working Group on Internet Matters | |
负责刑事事务的国家副检察官 | | Deputy State Attorney for Criminal Matters | |
技术合作融资问题高级行政干事 | | Senior Administrative Officer for Technical Cooperation Finance Matters | |
无争议问题 | wú zhēng yì wèn tí | non-controversial matters | |
民商事桉件外国判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters | |
组织事项 | zǔ zhī shì xiàng | organizational matters | |
税收事项行政互助公约 | | Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance on Tax Matters | |
社会和人道主义问题中心 | | Centre for Social and Humanitarian Matters | |
污染物释放和转移登记册议定书 | | Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters / Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers | |
民政和军事问题新闻干事 | | Public Information Officer on Civilian and Military Matters | |
法律援助和拘留事务办公室 | | Office of Legal Aid and Detention Matters | |
公设刑事辩护处 | | Public Defender's Office in Criminal Matters | |
土地事务法律援助和争端解决总统办公室 | | Presidential Unit for Legal Assistance and Dispute Settlement in Land Matters | |
技术和卫生事项进展报告 | | Progress reports on technical and health matters | |
体制、程序和法律问题小组委员会 | | Subcommittee on Institutional, Procedural and Legal Matters | |
国际税务合作专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters | |
经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅 | | Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters | |
国际贸易法问题小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee on International Trade Law Matters | |
联合国外空问题会议 | | United Nations Conference on Outer Space Matters | |
南大西洋事务工作组 | nán dài xī yáng shì wù gōng zuò zǔ | Working Group on South Atlantic matters | |
联合国军事事项北欧联合委员会 | | Joint Nordic Committee for Military United Nations Matters | |
立法事务联合咨询委员会 | | Joint Advisory Council on Legislative Matters | |
关于大洋深处事项的临时协定 | | Provisional Agreement on Matters concerning the Great Ocean Deeps | |
关于民警和军事观察员风纪问题的指令 | | Directives for Disciplinary matters Involving Civilian Police Officers and Military Observers | |
行政和财务事项小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters | |
行政和财务事项工作组 | | Working Group on Administration and Financial Matters | |
行政和财务事项全体小组委员会 | | Sub-Committee of the Whole on Administrative and Financial Matters | |
行政、预算和财务问题咨询委员会 | | Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters | |
酗酒和吸毒问题区域间顾问 | | Inter-regional Adviser on Alcohol and Drug-Related Matters | |
解决土地争端法律援助总统办公室 | | Presidential Office for Legal Assistance and Dispute Settlement in Land Matters | |