"Pick" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 xuǎn zé to select / to pick / choice / option / alternative
 zhāi to take / to borrow / to pick (flowers, fruit etc) / to pluck / to select / to remove / to take off (glasses, hat etc)
 jiǎn to choose / to pick / to sort out / to pick up
 qiā to pick (flowers) / to pinch / to nip / to pinch off / to clutch / (slang) to fight
 xuǎn zhòng to choose / to pick / to settle upon / to decide upon a candidate / to be selected for some role
 zhāi xià to take off / to remove (one's hat, a door from its hinges etc) / to pick (a piece of fruit from a tree etc) / (sports) to pick off (a rebound etc)
 dān tiāo to pick / to choose / to fight a duel
 cǎi zhāi to pluck / to pick
 xiāng zhòng to find to one's taste / to pick (after looking at) / Taiwan pr. [xiang4 zhong4]
 lín xuǎn to pick / to choose / to select
 zhēn xuǎn to select / to pick
 xié qǔ to pick / to select / to take / to capture (data) / to acquire / to pick up (a signal)
 xuǎn to choose / to pick / to select / to elect
 tiāo to carry on a shoulder pole / to choose / to pick / to nitpick
 bá to pull up / to pull out / to draw out by suction / to select / to pick / to stand out (above level) / to surpass / to seize
 chā fork / pitchfork / prong / pick / cross / intersect / "X"
 tī to scrape the meat from bones / to pick (teeth etc) / to weed out
 gǎo a pick
 xián to pull out (esp. hair or feathers) / to pick / to pluck / fig. to extract (lines from a text)
  pick (v.) a reflector
 ná qǐ to pick up
 tí qǐ to mention / to speak of / to lift / to pick up / to arouse / to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
 zhǐ diǎn to point out / to indicate / to give directions / to show how (to do sth) / to censure / to pick at
 xuǎn chū to pick out / to select / to elect
 huí shēng to rise again after a fall / to pick up / rally (stock market etc)
 tí sù to increase the specified cruising speed / to pick up speed / to speed up
 jiē sòng to pick up and drop off / to ferry back and forth
 gōu qǐ to evoke / to induce / to call to mind / to pick up with a hook
 pào niū to pick up girls / to play around with girls / to chase after girls
 tí huò to accept delivery of goods / to pick up goods
 chóng shí to pick up (a theme etc) / to regain (confidence) / to revive (a custom, friendship etc)
 lu:4 bō filtering radio waves (i.e. to pick out one frequency)
 shí qǔ to pick up / to collect
 qǐ sè a turn for the better / to pick up / to improve
 zhǎo chá to pick fault with / to spot the differences / to nitpick / to pick a quarrel / to find complaint with
 cǎi huā to pick flowers / to enter houses at night in order to rape women
 zhǎo shì to look for employment / to pick a quarrel
 xún xìn to pick a quarrel / to start a fight
 shí dé to find / to pick up / to collect
 cǎi shí to forage / to gather for eating / to pick and eat
 méi shuō de nothing to pick on / really good / nothing to discuss / settled matter / no problem
 niān huā rě cǎo lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom) / fig. to womanize / to frequent brothels / to sow one's wild oats
 pá qiè to steal / to pick pockets / to frisk
 shí jīn bù mèi to pick up money and not hide it (idiom) / to return property to its owner
 jī bù zé shí when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom) / beggars can't be choosers / When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.
 shí duō to clear up / to tidy up / to pick up
 shí duo to clear up / to tidy up / to pick up / to repair
 pò jìng chóng yuán a shattered mirror put back together (idiom) / (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew / for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite
 tiāo jiǎn to pick and choose / to select
 tī yá to pick one's teeth
 zuò dōng to host (a dinner) / to treat / to pick up the check
 jīng essence / extract / vitality / energy / semen / sperm / mythical goblin spirit / highly perfected / elite / the pick of sth / proficient (refined ability) / extremely (fine) / selected rice (archaic)
 shí líng to pick up bits / to collect scrap material / tidbits / gleanings (used as gossip)
 shí rén yá huì to pick up what others say (idiom) / to pass off other people's opinions as one's own / to parrot
 chuàn wèi to become tainted with the smell of sth else / to pick up an odor
 zé to select / to choose / to pick over / to pick out / to differentiate / to eliminate / also pr. [zhai2]
 zhái to choose / to pick over / to pick out / to take out / to eliminate
 chéng to hold / to contain / to ladle / to pick up with a utensil
 shí to pick up / to collate or arrange / ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
 pào bubble / foam / blister (i.e. skin bubble) / to soak / to steep / to infuse / to dawdle / to shilly-shally / to hang about / to pick up (a girl) / to get off with (a sexual partner) / classifier for occurrences of an action / classifier for number of infusions
 jiǎn to pick up / to collect / to gather
 cuō to pick up (a powder etc) with the fingertips / to scoop up / to collect together / to extract / to gather up / classifier: pinch / Taiwan pr. [cuo4]
 jué to pick out / to single out
 kōu to dig out / to pick out (with one's fingers) / to carve / to cut / to study meticulously / to lift one's clothes / stingy / miserly
 duō to pick up / to collect / gather up
 niè tweezers / forceps / nippers / pliers / to nip / to pick up with tweezers / to pluck out
 zhí pick up / to select
 jiān to pick up with chopsticks
 qiú single-headed pick / stone chisel
 cǎi lán zèng sháo lit. pick orchids and present peonies (idiom) / fig. presents between lovers
 tàn lí dé zhū to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi) / fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation) / to see through to the nub
 fǔ shí jiē shì lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom) / fig. extremely common / easily available
 héng tiāo bí zi shù tiāo yǎn to pick on sth incessantly (idiom) / to criticize right and left
 dīng zì gǎo hammer pick
 jiǎn shí to pick up / to gather
 jì (literary) to plaster / to pick up / to rest
 qǐ to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.
 zhǎo chá r to pick a quarrel / to find fault / nitpicking
 bǎ mèi to pick up a girl / to get a girl
 līn qǐ to pick up (from the ground with one's hands)
 bá qǔ to pick out / to select and recruit / to pluck / to pull
 shí jiè to pick up cress / fig. sth easy to do / a piece of cake
 ná de qǐ fàng de xià lit. can pick it up or put it down (idiom) / fig. to take what comes / to meet gains or losses with equanimity
 wā bí zi to pick one's nose
 jiǎn qǐ to pick up
 zhái cì to pick out the bones in a fish
 zhái rì zi to pick an auspicious day
 zhái cài to pick the edible part of vegetables
 dǎng chāi pick and roll (basketball) / screen and roll
 héng tiāo bí zi , shù tiāo yǎn to pick on sth incessantly / to criticize right and left
 Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu the God of Thunder strikes bean curd / fig. to bully the weakest person / to pick on an easy target
 Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person / to pick on an easy target
 qiào suǒ to pick a lock / to force a lock
  velocity pick
  picked FOS point / FOS pick
  reflection pick
 kòu niū (slang) to pick up girls / to chase after girls
 tāo bāo to pick pockets
 kòu nu:3 (slang) to pick up girls / to chase after girls
 bǎ mǎ zǐ to pick up a girl / to get a girl
Chinese Tones