政 策 zhèng cè policy / CL:個|个[ge4] 方 针 fāng zhēn policy / guidelines / CL:個|个[ge4] 出 台 chū tái to officially launch (a policy, program etc) / to appear on stage / to appear publicly / (of a bar girl) to leave with a client 决 策 jué cè strategic decision / decision-making / policy decision / to determine policy 一 轮 yī lún first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc) 新 政 xīn zhèng new policy / New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Great Depression) 反 腐 败 fǎn fǔ bài to oppose corruption / anti-graft (measures, policy etc) 政 策 措 施 zhèng cè cuò shī policy measure 投 保 人 tóu bǎo rén policy holder / insured person 财 政 政 策 cái zhèng zhèng cè fiscal policy 国 策 guó cè a national policy 倒 转 dào zhuǎn to make an about-turn / to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc / to turn things on their head 外 交 政 策 wài jiāo zhèng cè foreign policy 超 生 chāo shēng to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy / to be reincarnated / to be lenient 保 险 单 bǎo xiǎn dān insurance policy (document) 公 共 政 策 gōng gòng zhèng cè public policy 群 众 路 线 qún zhòng lù xiàn the mass line, CCP term for Party policy aimed at broadening and cultivating contacts with the masses 就 业 政 策 employment policy 保 户 bǎo hù insurance policy holder 反 兴 奋 剂 fǎn xīng fèn jì anti-doping / anti-stimulant / policy against drugs in sports 仁 政 rén zhèng benevolent policy / humane government 朝 令 夕 改 zhāo lìng xī gǎi to make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy (idiom) 坚 壁 清 野 jiān bì qīng yě to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom) / to leave nothing for the invader / scorched earth policy 反 走 私 fǎn zǒu sī to oppose smuggling / anti-contraband (measures, policy etc) 总 方 针 zǒng fāng zhēn general policy / overall guidelines 以 夷 制 夷 yǐ yí zhì yí to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom) / let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties) / Use Western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment. (late Qing modernizing slogan) 筴 cè policy / scheme 满 腹 经 纶 mǎn fù jīng lún full of political wisdom (idiom) / politically astute / with encyclopedic experience of state policy 空 室 清 野 kōng shì qīng yě empty room, clean field (idiom) / clean out everything to leave nothing for the enemy / scorched earth policy 大 政 方 针 dà zhèng fāng zhēn major policy of the national government 鸵 鸟 政 策 tuó niǎo zhèng cè ostrich policy (sticking one's head in the sand, failing to acknowledge danger) 闭 关 政 策 bì guān zhèng cè closed-door policy 不 承 认 主 义 bù chéng rèn zhǔ yì policy of non-recognition 不 抵 抗 主 义 bù dǐ kàng zhǔ yì policy of nonresistance 德 雷 尔 Dé léi ěr Dreyer (name) / June Teufel Dreyer, China expert at Univ. of Miami and Foreign Policy Research Institute 对 外 政 策 duì wài zhèng cè foreign policy 核 威 慑 政 策 hé wēi shè zhèng cè policy of nuclear intimidation 一 个 中 国 政 策 yī gè Zhōng guó zhèng cè one-China policy 国 际 外 交 guó jì wài jiāo foreign policy 一 胎 制 yī tāi zhì the one-child policy 上 上 之 策 shàng shàng zhī cè the best policy / the best thing one can do in the circumstances 交 售 jiāo shòu (of a farmer) to sell one's produce to the state as stipulated by government policy 人 民 公 社 化 rén mín gōng shè huà collectivization of agriculture (disastrous policy of communist Russia around 1930 and China in the 1950s) 八 字 方 针 bā zì fāng zhēn the eight-character slogan for the economic policy proposed by 李富春[Li3 Fu4 chun1] in 1961: 調整、鞏固、充實、提高|调整、巩固、充实、提高 / "adjust, consolidate, enrich and improve" / a policy expressed as an eight-character slogan 受 保 人 shòu bǎo rén the insured person / the person covered by an insurance policy 善 策 shàn cè wise policy / best policy 国 家 政 策 guó jiā zhèng cè state policy 外 交 关 系 理 事 会 Wài jiāo Guān xì Lǐ shì huì Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think tank) 收 入 政 策 shōu rù zhèng cè income policy 放 任 政 策 fàng rèn zhèng cè laissez-faire policy / non-interference 独 生 子 女 政 策 dú shēng zǐ nu:3 zhèng cè one-child policy 睦 邻 政 策 mù lín zhèng cè good-neighbor policy 福 利 政 策 fú lì zhèng cè welfare policy 策 问 cè wèn essay on policy in question and answer form used in imperial exams 策 试 cè shì imperial exam involving writing essay on policy 策論|策论[ce4 lun4] 策 论 cè lùn essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (old) 农 村 家 庭 联 产 承 包 责 任 制 nóng cūn jiā tíng lián chǎn chéng bāo zé rèn zhì rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity 医 药 分 离 yī yào fēn lí separating medical consultation from dispensing drugs, proposed policy to counteract perceived PRC problem of "drugs serving to nourish doctors" 以藥養醫|以药养医[yi3 yao4 yang3 yi1] 门 户 开 放 mén hù kāi fàng open door policy / Egyptian President Sadat's infitah policy towards investment and relations with Israel 隐 私 政 策 yǐn sī zhèng cè privacy policy 高 薪 养 廉 gāo xīn yǎng lián policy of high pay to discourage corruption 社 会 政 策 shè huì zhèng cè social policy 焦 土 政 策 jiāo tǔ zhèng cè scorched-earth policy 三 光 政 策 Sān guāng Zhèng cè Three Alls Policy (kill all, burn all, loot all), Japanese policy in China during WWII 安 全 政 策 ān quán zhèng cè security policy 保 护 政 策 bǎo hù zhèng cè conservation policy 发 展 政 策 fā zhǎn zhèng cè development policy 共 同 渔 业 政 策 gòng tóng yú yè zhèng cè Common Fisheries Policy 环 境 政 策 huán jìng zhèng cè environment policy 能 源 政 策 néng yuán zhèng cè energy policy 人 口 政 策 rén kǒu zhèng cè population policy 卫 生 政 策 wèi shēng zhèng cè health policy 欧 盟 共 同 外 交 和 安 全 政 策 高 级 代 表 EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy 政 策 规 划 股 Policy Planning Unit 高 级 森 林 政 策 干 事 Senior Forest Policy Officer 欧 洲 犯 罪 与 公 共 政 策 欧 洲 专 题 讨 论 会 European Colloquium on Crime and Public Policy in Europe 报 酬 政 策 bào chóu zhèng cè compensation policy 多 样 性 政 策 duō yàng xìng zhèng cè diversity policy 气 候 中 和 政 策 和 战 略 Climate Neutral Policy and Strategy 适 应 政 策 框 架 Adaptation Policy Framework 环 境 政 策 委 员 会 Committee on Environmental Policy 索 马 里 问 题 高 级 政 策 小 组 suǒ mǎ lǐ wèn tí gāo jí zhèng cè xiǎo zǔ Senior Policy Group on Somalia 扩 大 的 贷 款 政 策 Enlarged Access Policy 欧 盟 共 同 外 交 与 安 全 政 策 高 级 代 表 High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy 科 学 、 技 术 和 革 新 政 策 述 评 science, technology and innovation policy review 统 一 域 名 争 议 解 决 政 策 Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy 社 会 政 策 和 发 展 司 Division for Social Policy and Development 主 管 政 策 协 调 和 机 构 间 事 务 助 理 秘 书 长 Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs 政 策 研 究 股 zhèng cè yán jiū gǔ Policy Research Unit 主 管 发 展 政 策 分 析 和 信 息 助 理 秘 书 长 Assistant Secretary-General for Development Policy Analysis and Information 发 展 政 策 和 分 析 司 Development Policy and Analysis Division 投 资 政 策 和 程 序 指 南 Investment Policy and Procedure Manual 国 家 促 进 男 女 平 等 和 公 平 政 策 National Policy to Promote Equality and Equity between Men and Women 发 展 政 策 和 规 划 办 公 室 Development Policy and Planning Office 跨 国 公 司 政 策 分 析 信 托 基 金 Trust Fund for Policy Analysis on Transnational Corporations 政 策 和 监 督 协 调 处 Policy and Oversight Coordination Service 儿 基 会 两 性 平 等 政 策 执 行 情 况 评 价 Evaluation of Gender Policy Implementation in UNICEF 妇 女 外 交 政 策 理 事 会 Women's Foreign Policy Council 信 通 技 术 政 策 科 ICT Policy Section 全 球 因 特 网 政 策 倡 议 Global Internet Policy Initiative