方针 | fāng zhēn | policy / guidelines / CL:個|个[ge4] | |
指引 | zhǐ yǐn | to guide / to show / to point (the way) / directions / guidance / guidelines | |
指导方针 | zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | guidelines | |
机宜 | jī yí | guidelines / what to do (under given circumstances) | |
八荣八耻 | Bā Róng Bā Chǐ | Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines | |
务虚 | wù xū | to discuss guidelines / to discuss principles to be followed | |
总方针 | zǒng fāng zhēn | general policy / overall guidelines | |
满有谱 | mǎn yǒu pǔ | to have a clearcut idea / to have firm guidelines / to have confidence / to be sure / to be certain | |
人权和自然灾害业务准则 | | Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural Disasters | |
关于指定亲善大使与和平使者的准则 | | Guidelines for the Designation of Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace | |
共同执行指导意见 | | Guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol / Joint Implementation guidelines / JI guidelines | |
关于执行京都议定书第六条的指导意见 | | Guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol / Joint Implementation guidelines / JI guidelines | |
环境法准则和原则 | | Environmental Law Guidelines and Principles | |
2006 年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南 | | 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories | |
关于捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则 | | Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations | |
关于在电子商务中保护消费者的准则 | | Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce | |
热带森林可持续性管理的指导方针 | | Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests | |
可考虑倾倒的废物或其他物质的评估准则 | | Guidelines for the Assessment of Wastes or Other Matter that May be Considered for Dumping | |
制药公司在药物提供方面的人权准则 | | Human Rights Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Companies in relation to Access to Medicines | |
产科服务普及和使用情况监测指导方针 | | Guidelines for Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services | |
预防和控制有组织犯罪的指导方针 | | Guidelines for the prevention and control of organized crime | |
柏林纲领 | | Berlin Guidelines (The) | |
欧洲联盟促进遵守国际人道主义法准则 | ōu zhōu lián méng cù jìn zūn shǒu guó jì rén dào zhǔ yì fǎ zhǔn zé | European Union Guidelines on promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL) | |
关于儿童的替代照料准则 | | Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children | |
公海深海渔业管理国际准则 | gōng hǎi shēn hǎi yú yè guǎn lǐ guó jì zhǔn zé | International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas | |
网络信息无障碍规范 | | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines | |
制订减少污染的国家政策和行动的准则 | | Guidelines for Development of National Policies and Actions for Pollution Reduction | |
政策准则 | zhèng cè zhǔn zé | policy guidelines | |
方案管理准则 | fāng àn guǎn lǐ zhǔn zé | Programme Management Guidelines | |
保护土着人民遗产的原则和准则 | | principles and guidelines for the protection of the heritage of indigenous peoples | |
标准作业程序指导方针 | biāo zhǔn zuò yè chéng xù zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | Guidelines for Standard Operating Procedures / Guideline SOPs | |
可持续性报告准则 | kě chí xù xìng bào gào zhǔn zé | Sustainability Reporting Guidelines | |
有形资产统计准则 | yǒu xíng zī chǎn tǒng jì zhǔn zé | Guidelines on Statistics of Tangible Assets | |
国家住房战略监测指导方针 | | Monitoring guidelines for national shelter strategies | |
关于援助和环境的指导方针 | | Guidelines on Aid and Environment | |
全面预防和管理洪灾损失手册和指导方针 | | Manual and Guidelines for Comprehensive Flood Loss Prevention and Management | |
减灾指导方针 | jiǎn zāi zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | Guidelines on Disaster Mitigation | |
与导弹有关的敏感转让准则 | | Guidelines for sensitive missile-relevant transfers | |
委员会工作准则 | | Guidelines of the Committee for the conduct of its work | |
评价和护理创伤和暴力受害者的指导方针 | | Guidelines on Evaluation and Care of Victims of Trauma and Violence | |
国际合作防止逃税漏税指导方针 | guó jì hé zuò fáng zhǐ táo shuì lòu shuì zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | Guidelines for International Cooperation Against the Evasion and Avoidance of Taxes | |
人权与贩运人口问题准则 | | Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking | |
核材料、核设备和核技术出口准则 | | Guidelines for the Export of Nuclear Material, Equipment and Technology | |
负责任鱼品贸易技术准则 | | Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fish Trade | |
寻求庇护者拘留问题准则 | xún qiú bì hù zhě jū liú wèn tí zhǔn zé | Guidelines on Detention of Asylum-Seekers | |
核心方案准则 | hé xīn fāng àn zhǔn zé | core programme guidelines | |
环境数据收集准则 | | Guidelines for the collection of environment data | |
制定国家综合老龄政策的指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Development of Comprehensive National Policies on Ageing | |
关于检察官作用的准则 | | Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors | |
塔林残疾领域人力资源开发行动方针 | | Tallinn Guidelines for Action on Human Resources Development in the Field of Disability | |
利马宣言&mdash审计规则指南 | lì mǎ xuān yán mdash;shěn jì guī zé zhǐ nán | Lima Declaration of Guidelines on Auditing Precepts | |
2000-2004年和平协定执行战略准则 | | Strategic Guidelines for the implementation of the Peace Agreements, 2000-2004 | |
环境污染监测系统指导方针 | | Guidelines on environmental pollution monitoring systems | |
核转让准则 | | Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers | |
食品和药物管理局指导方针 | | FDA guidelines | |
关于适当类型的建立信任措施的指导方针 | | Guidelines for appropriate types of confidence building measures | |
制定防治环境污染法规的指导方针 | | Guidelines on the development of environmental pollution control legislation | |
谈判进程指导方针 | tán pàn jìn chéng zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | Guidelines to the Process of Negotiations | |
危难难民儿童问题指导方针 | | Guidelines on Refugee Children at Risk | |
天然热带森林可持续性发展指导方针 | | Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Natural Tropical Forests | |
安第斯共同体对外安全政策指南 | ān dì sī gòng tòng tǐ duì wài ān quán zhèng cè zhǐ nán | Guidelines for the External Security Policy of the Andean Community | |
国际审查团指导方针 | | Guidelines on the International Inspectorate | |
国际搜索救援准则 | guó jì sōu suǒ jiù yuán zhǔn zé | International Search and Rescue Response Guidelines | |
儿基会知名人士支助者指导方针 | | Guidelines for UNICEF Celebrity Supporters | |
联合国执行对南非文化抵制的政策原则 | | United Nations Policy Guidelines for the Implementation of the Cultural Boycott of South Africa | |
横向调动准则 | | Guidelines for determining mobility under ST / AI / 2006 / 3: Lateral moves and maximum post occupancy / Guidelines on Lateral Moves | |
联合国与工商界合作准则 | | Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Sector | |
人权与贩运人口问题原则和准则 | | Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking | |
拆船业安全卫生指南 | chāi chuán yè ān quán wèi shēng zhǐ nán | Safety and Health in Shipbreaking: Guidelines for Asian countries and Turkey | |
果阿国际公平准则 | | Goa Guidelines on International Equity | |
北京准则 | běi jīng zhǔn zé | Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of National Coordinating Committees on Disability or Similar Bodies / Beijing Guidelines | |
信息和通信技术灾后恢复服务指导方针 | | Guidelines for information and communications technology disaster recovery services | |
全球商务处理准则 | | Guidelines for the Conduct of Global Business | |
饮水质量指导方针 | | Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality | |
洗浴用水安全准则 | xǐ yù yòng shuǐ ān quán zhǔn zé | Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments | |
保护土着人遗产原则和准则草桉讨论会 | | Seminar on the draft principles and guidelines for the protection of the heritage of indigenous people | |
巴黎原则 | bā lí yuán zé | Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups / Paris Principles | |
罗本岛指导方针 | | Guidelines and Measures for the Prohibition and Prevention of Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Africa / Robben Island Guidelines | |
国际农业调整指导方针 | | Guidelines on International Agricultural Adjustment | |
有效使用肥料的最佳农业做法指导方针 | | Guidelines of Best Agricultural Practice to Optimize Fertilizer Use | |
遇险船舶避难地准则 | | Guidelines of Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance | |
生物技术安全国际技术准则 | | International Technical Guidelines for Safety in Biotechnology | |
生物生物技术安全基本指南 | | basic guidelines on safety in biotechnology | |
使用军事和民防资源救灾的指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief / Oslo Guidelines | |
奥斯陆指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief / Oslo Guidelines | |
妇女安全准则 | fù rǔ ān quán zhǔn zé | Security Guidelines for Women | |
部队派遣国准则 | bù duì pài qiǎn guó zhǔn zé | Guidelines for Troop-Contributing Countries / Guidelines for troop contributors / Guidelines for governments contributing military personnel to... (+ name of PKO) | |
军事民防资源指导方针 | jūn shì mín fáng zī yuán zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn | Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies / MCDA Guidelines | |
减少空间碎片准则 | | Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines | |
在发生海上事故时公正对待船员的指南 | | Guidelines on Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident | |
外国直接投资待遇问题指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment | |
联合国发展集团土着人民问题指导方针 | | United Nations Development Group Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples' Issues / Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples' Issues | |
处置剩余农药和农药容器的指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides and Pesticide Containers | |
农村中心规划指导方针 | | Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning | |
《核安全公约》国家报告细则 | | Guidelines regarding National Reports under the Convention on Nuclear Safety | |
海洋技术转让标准和准则 | | IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology | |
关于儿童与武装冲突的欧洲联盟指导方针 | | European Union Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict | |
关于化学品国际贸易信息交流的伦敦准则 | | London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade | |
服务贸易谈判准则和程序 | | Guidelines and Procedures for the Negotiations on Trade in Services | |
核供应国集团准则 | | Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-related Dual-use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related Technology / Nuclear Suppliers' Group Guidelines | |