板 鸭 bǎn yā pressed (dried) salted duck 拮 jié antagonistic / laboring hard / pressed 倥 kǒng urgent / pressed 拜 拜 bài bai to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together / (Tw) religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity 拮 据 jié jū hard pressed for money / in financial straits 粉 饼 fěn bǐng pressed cosmetic powder (formed into a cake) / compact powder 促 膝 cù xī lit. knees pressed close / intimate / seated side by side / in close contact 不 打 自 招 bù dǎ zì zhāo to confess without being pressed / to make a confession without duress 锭 dìng (weaving) spindle / ingot / pressed cake of medicine etc / classifier for: gold and silver ingots, ink sticks 罗 雀 掘 鼠 luó què jué shǔ lit. to net birds and dig for rats (idiom) / fig. hard pressed for cash / on the verge of bankruptcy 罗 掘 luó jué to scrape around for money / hard pressed for cash / cf 羅雀掘鼠|罗雀掘鼠 / to net birds and dig for rats (idiom) 沙 琪 玛 shā qí mǎ sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks