铁 轨 tiě guǐ rail / railroad track / CL:根[gen1] 轨 guǐ course / path / track / rail 车 站 chē zhàn rail station / bus stop / CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4] 专 线 zhuān xiàn special-purpose phone line or communications link / hotline / special rail line (e.g. between airport and city) / CL:條|条[tiao2] 通 车 tōng chē to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc) / (of a locality) to have a transportation service / (Tw) to commute 终 点 站 zhōng diǎn zhàn terminus / final stop on rail or bus line 铁 道 tiě dào railway line / rail track 轻 轨 qīng guǐ light rail / transit system (underground, at street level or elevated) / streetcar / metro / abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通[qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1] 实 名 制 shí míng zhì system for identifying users (on a rail network, the Internet etc) 导 轨 dǎo guǐ (mechanics) guide rail / slideway 环 线 huán xiàn ring road / circle line (e.g. rail or subway) 高 铁 gāo tiě high speed rail 外 环 线 wài huán xiàn outer ring (road or rail line) 钢 轨 gāng guǐ steel rail 吣 qìn to vomit (of dogs and cats) / to rail against / to talk nonsense 明 和 Míng hé Minghe, rail station in South Taiwan / Meiwa (Japanese reign name 1764-1772) / Meiwa (common name for Japanese companies or schools) 亚 欧 大 陸 桥 yà ōu dà lù qiáo New Asia-Europe Land Bridge / rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe 接 驳 车 jiē bó chē shuttle bus ferrying passengers between train stations on two different rail lines 栅 条 zhà tiáo paling / fence rail 网 络 铁 路 wǎng luò tiě lù Network Rail (UK railway organization) 轧 道 车 yà dào chē trolley for inspecting rail track 铁 路 货 运 公 约 Carriage of Goods by Rail Convention 火 车 上 交 货 价 free on rail 国 际 铁 路 运 输 政 府 间 组 织 Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail 国 际 铁 路 运 输 危 险 货 物 条 例 guó jì tiě lù yùn shū wēi xiǎn huò wù tiáo lì Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail 多 国 铁 路 运 输 协 定 duō guó tiě lù yùn shū xié dìng Multinational Rail Traffic Agreement 铁 路 运 输 主 要 工 作 队 Principal Working Party on Rail Transport 国 际 铁 路 运 输 总 办 事 处 Central Office for International Carriage by Rail 都 市 铁 路 捷 运 系 统 rail rapid transit system 国 际 铁 路 运 单 consignment note for international rail transport 轻 轨 铁 路 运 输 系 统 qīng guǐ tiě lù yùn shū xì tǒng light rail transport 促 进 铁 路 货 运 过 境 的 国 际 公 约 International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Goods carried by Rail 促 进 铁 路 客 货 运 过 境 的 国 际 公 约 International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Passengers and Baggage carried by Rail 铁 路 警 察 局 合 作 处 Collaboration of rail police services 国 际 铁 路 运 输 委 员 会 International Rail Transport Committee 国 际 铁 路 运 输 公 约 Convention concerning International Transport by Rail 铁 路 运 输 工 作 队 tiě lù yùn shū gōng zuò duì Working Party on Rail Transport 促 进 欧 洲 国 际 铁 路 运 输 公 约 Convention concerning Facilitation of International Rail Transport in Europe 加 入 国 际 公 路 铁 路 运 输 公 约 的 含 义 讨 论 会 Seminar on the Implications of Accession to the International Conventions on Road and Rail Transport 国 际 铁 路 货 物 运 输 公 约 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail 铁 路 转 运 点 railhead / rail terminal 铁 路 末 站 tiě lù mò zhàn railhead / rail terminal 国 际 铁 路 客 运 和 行 李 托 运 公 约 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail 轻 型 轨 道 交 通 qīng xíng guǐ dào jiāo tōng light rail / transit system (underground, at street level or elevated) / streetcar / metro / abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨[qing1 gui3] 普 通 秧 鸡 pǔ tōng yāng jī (bird species of China) brown-cheeked rail (Rallus indicus) 花 田 鸡 huā tián jī (bird species of China) Swinhoe's rail (Coturnicops exquisitus) 蓝 胸 秧 鸡 lán xiōng yāng jī (bird species of China) slaty-breasted rail (Gallirallus striatus) 西 方 秧 鸡 xī fāng yāng jī (bird species of China) water rail (Rallus aquaticus) 轻 铁 Qīng tiě Hong Kong LRT (Light Rail Transit) (abbr. for 輕便鐵路|轻便铁路) 护 轨 hù guǐ (railway) guard rail