储蓄 | chǔ xù | to deposit money / to save / savings | |
积蓄 | jī xù | to save / to put aside / savings | |
老本 | lǎo běn | capital / assets / savings / nest egg / (fig.) reputation / laurels (to rest upon) / old edition of a book / (tree) trunk | |
节余 | jié yú | to save / savings | |
储币 | chǔ bì | to deposit money / savings | |
存款 | cún kuǎn | to deposit money (in a bank etc) / bank savings / bank deposit | |
储蓄率 | chǔ xù lu:4 | savings rate | |
万元户 | wàn yuán hù | household with savings or annual income of 10,000 yuan or more (considered a large amount in the 1970s, when the term became established) | |
个人储蓄 | gè rén chǔ xù | personal savings | |
储蓄帐户 | chǔ xù zhàng hù | savings account (in bank) | |
存簿 | cún bù | savings book / bank account passbook | |
存贷款 | cún dài kuǎn | savings deposits and loans | |
关于储蓄征税的指令 | | Directive on the Taxation of Savings | |
农村储蓄和信用机构 | | village savings and credit institution | |
节约的费用 | | cost savings | |
非洲储蓄信贷合作社协会 | | Africa Cooperative Savings and Credit Association | |
非洲储蓄信贷合作社协会联合会 | | Africa Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations | |
国际储蓄银行协会 | | International Savings Banks Institute | |
储蓄和信贷促进发展指导委员会 | | Steering Committee on Savings and Credit for Development | |
区位节省 | | locational savings | |
累计储蓄和信贷协会 | | accumulating savings and credit associations | |
节能工作分组 | | Sub-Working Group on Energy Savings | |
房屋互助协会和储蓄协会国际联合会 | | International Union of Building Societies and Savings Associations | |
科索沃养恤金信托局 | | Kosovo Pension Savings Trust | |
储蓄信贷合作社 | | cooperative savings and credit association | |
世界储蓄银行协会 | | World Savings Banks Institute | |
亚太赤贫者信贷与储蓄网 | | Network for Credit and Savings for the Hardcore Poor in Asia-Pacific | |
美洲储蓄和贷款银行 | | Inter-American Savings and Loan Bank | |
调动发展中国家个人储蓄信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries | |
发展中国家调动个人储蓄方桉 | | Programme on Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries | |
发展中国家调动个人储蓄国际专题讨论会 | | International Symposium on the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries | |