文书 | wén shū | document / official correspondence / secretary / secretariat | |
书记处 | shū ji chù | secretariat | |
秘书处 | mì shū chù | Secretariat | |
联合国秘书处 | Lián hé guó Mì shū chù | United Nations Secretariat | |
节约储金秘书处 | | Provident Fund Secretariat | |
国际减少灾害战略机构间秘书处 | | Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction | |
常设秘书处 | | permanent secretariat | |
经济及社会理事会秘书处 | | Economic and Social Council Secretariat | |
气候变化秘书处 | | Climate Change Secretariat | |
裁军谈判会议秘书处和会议支助处 | | Conference on Disarmament Secretariat and Conference Support Branch | |
设立生物多样性公约临时秘书处信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Establishment of the Interim Secretariat of the Biological Diversity Convention | |
联合国选举援助秘书处 | | United Nations Electoral Assistance Secretariat | |
制裁委员会秘书处 | | Sanctions Committee Secretariat | |
技术秘书处 | | Technical Secretariat | |
国际麻醉品管制局秘书处 | | Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board | |
委员会秘书处科 | | Commissions Secretariat Section | |
中美洲旅游业一体化秘书处 | | Secretariat for Central American Tourism Integration | |
助理秘书长兼提高秘书处妇女地位协调员 | | Assistant Secretary-General, Coordinator for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat | |
执行局秘书处 | | Executive Board secretariat | |
秘书处事务干事 | | Secretariat Services Officer | |
麻醉药品委员会秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs | |
总秘书处 | | General Secretariat | |
秘书处大厦 | | Secretariat Building | |
和平秘书处 | | Peace Secretariat | |
选举管理技术秘书处 | | Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration | |
提高秘书处妇女地位指导委员会 | | Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat | |
行政法庭秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Administrative Tribunal | |
太平洋共同体秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Pacific Community | |
拉丁美洲和加勒比经济体系常设秘书处 | | Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System | |
军事参谋团秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Military Staff Committee | |
联合国秘书处前途问题会议 | | Conference on the Future of the United Nations Secretariat | |
药物滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议秘书处 | | Secretariat of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | |
临时技术秘书处 | | Provisional Technical Secretariat | |
非政府组织秘书处 | | NGO Secretariat | |
缔约国大会秘书处主任 | | Director of the Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties | |
高等秘书处事务干事 | | Senior Secretariat Services Officer | |
技术秘书处主任 | | Director-General of the Technical Secretariat | |
国家安全理事会秘书处 | | State Secretariat of the Security Council | |
南锥体共同市场行政秘书处 | | Administrative Secretariat of MERCOSUR | |
国际减少自然灾害十年秘书处 | | International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction Secretariat | |
巴塞尔公约秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Basel Convention | |
向环境署臭氧秘书处提供专家的信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat | |
秘书处服务处 | | Secretariat Servicing Branch | |
理事机构秘书处 | | Secretariat for Governing Bodies | |
委员会秘书处和法律事务处 | | Commission Secretariat and Legal Affairs Branch | |
全国土着和岛民法律事务秘书处 | | National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Services Secretariat | |
水事问题国际秘书处 | | International Secretariat for Water | |
伊比利亚-美洲合作秘书处 | | Secretariat for Ibero-American Cooperation | |
和安执委会信息和战略分析秘书处 | | ECPS Information and Strategic Analysis Secretariat | |
农产品贸易公会联合会欧洲秘书处 | | European Secretariat of the United Agricultural Trade Associations | |
能源宪章秘书处 | | Energy Charter Secretariat | |
新能源和可再生能源秘书处 | | Secretariat for New and Renewable Sources of Energy | |
区域社会事务委员会技术秘书处 | | Technical Secretariat of the Regional Social Affairs Commission | |
提高妇女在秘书处地位协调专员办事处 | | Office of the Coordinator for the Improvement of the Status of Women the Secretariat | |
论坛秘书处 | | Forum Secretariat | |
经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅 | | Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters | |
土着问题常设论坛秘书处 | | Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | |
选举管理技术秘书处顾问 | | Advisers to the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration | |
监测和研究司 | | Monitoring and Research Division / Urban Secretariat | |
城市事务秘书处 | | Monitoring and Research Division / Urban Secretariat | |
全国和平秘书处 | | National Peace Secretariat | |
秘书处调查组 | | Secretariat Review Team | |
区域秘书处信息库 | | Regional Secretariat Information Base | |
组织间事务和秘书处事务处 | | Secretariat and Inter-Organization Service | |
秘书处知识共享工作队 | | Secretariat Task Force on Knowledge Sharing | |
发展筹资协调秘书处执行协调员 | | Executive Coordinator of the financing for development coordinating secretariat / Executive Coordinator | |
总部合同委员会和财产调查委员会秘书处 | | secretariat of the Headquarters Committee on Contracts and the Headquarters Property Survey Board | |
制订支持秘书处管理改革政策信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Development of Policies in Support of Management Reform in the Secretariat | |
太平洋岛屿论坛秘书处 | | Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat | |
社会融合秘书处 | | Secretariat for Social Integration | |
社会福利和劳工秘书处 | | Social Welfare and Labour Secretariat | |
经济及社会理事会事务和秘书处服务司 | | Division of Economic and Social Council Affairs and Secretariat Services | |
非政府组织规划委员会秘书处 | | NGO Planning Committee Secretariat | |
英联邦秘书处 | | Commonwealth Secretariat | |
安全理事会秘书处事务处 | | Security Council Secretariat Services Branch | |
人居署秘书处 | | Habitat Secretariat | |
委员会和对外关系秘书处 | | Secretariat of Commission and External Relations | |
国家艾滋病防治委员会执行秘书处 | | Executive Secretariat of the National AIDS Commission | |
机构间减少自然灾害秘书处 | | inter-agency secretariat for natural disaster reduction | |
卫生秘书处 | | Secretariat for Health | |
臭氧秘书处 | | Ozone Secretariat | |
安全理事会附属机关秘书处事务处 | | Security Council Subsidiary Organs Secretariat Services Branch | |
伊美秘书处 | | Ibero-American Secretariat | |
法律事务秘书处 | | Secretariat for Legal Affairs | |
联合主席团常设秘书处 | | Permanent Secretariat for the Joint Presidency | |
阿拉伯国家和区域发展机构协调秘书处 | | Coordination Secretariat for Arab National and Regional Development Institutions | |
核心秘书处 | | nucleus secretariat | |
希腊共和国体育总秘书处欧洲体育会议 | | European Sports Conference of the General Secretariat for Sports of the Hellenic Republic | |
秘书处新闻信托基金 | | Secretariat News Trust Fund | |
秘书处组织手册 | | Organization Manual of the Secretariat | |
非殖民化秘书处事务处 | | Decolonization Secretariat Services Branch | |
裁军谈判会议秘书处和会议支助处处长 | | Chief, Conference on Disarmament Secretariat and Conference Support Branch | |
中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处 | | Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration / Central American Economic Integration Secretariat | |
儿童保护秘书处 | | Child Protection Secretariat | |
教育秘书处 | | Education Secretariat | |
出版物委员会秘书处 | | Publications Board secretariat | |
内阁秘书处 | | Cabinet secretariat | |
联合国秘书处合并报告 | | United Nations Secretariat Consolidated Report | |
政治和大会事务及秘书处服务部 | | Department for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services | |
大会附属机关秘书处事务处 | | General Assembly Subsidiary Organs Secretariat Services Branch | |