社 会 shè huì society / CL:個|个[ge4] 协 会 xié huì an association / a society / CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1] 党 dǎng party / association / club / society / CL:個|个[ge4] 社 团 shè tuán association / society / group / union / club / organization 联 谊 会 lián yì huì association / club / society / party / get-together 外 场 wài cháng outside world / society 社 shè society / group / club / agency / (old) god of the land 公 家 gōng jiā the public / the state / society / the public purse 学 会 xué huì to learn / to master / institute / learned society / (scholarly) association 江 湖 Jiāng hú rivers and lakes / all corners of the country / remote areas to which hermits retreat / section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law / the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]) / (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc / demimonde / (in modern times) triads / secret gangster societies / underworld 三 个 代 表 Sān gè Dài biǎo the Three Represents enunciated by Jiang Zemin 江澤民|江泽民 / as the duty of the Chinese Communist party in 2001, namely: to represent productivity of an advanced society, forward progress of advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the people 红 尘 hóng chén the world of mortals (Buddhism) / human society / worldly affairs 小 康 社 会 xiǎo kāng shè huì society in which the material needs of most citizens are adequately met 入 世 rù shì to engage with secular society / to involve oneself in human affairs / to join the WTO (abbr. for 加入世界貿易組織|加入世界贸易组织[jia1 ru4 Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zu3 zhi1]) 社 会 化 shè huì huà socialization / to socialize / to fit into society / to train sb for society 人 类 社 会 rén lèi shè huì human society 入 会 rù huì to join a society, association etc 社 员 shè yuán commune member (PRC, 1958-1985) / member of a society (or other organization) 帮 会 bāng huì secret society / underworld gang 处 世 chǔ shì to conduct oneself in society 世 面 shì miàn the wider world / diverse aspects of society 朝 野 cháo yě all levels of society / the imperial court and the ordinary people 封 建 社 会 fēng jiàn shè huì feudal society 上 流 社 会 shàng liú shè huì upper class / high society 人 渣 rén zhā dregs of society / scum 半 边 天 bàn biān tiān half the sky / women of the new society / womenfolk 肌 体 jī tǐ the body / organism (usually human) / (fig.) fabric (of society etc) / cohesive structure (of an entity) 白 莲 bái lián white lotus (flower) / White Lotus society / same as 白蓮教|白莲教 原 始 社 会 yuán shǐ shè huì primitive society 涉 世 shè shì to see the world / to go out into society / to gain experience 隐 退 yǐn tuì to retire (from society, esp. from politics) / to vanish 封 地 fēng dì feudal fiefdom / land held as a vassal in feudal society / enfeoffment 社 会 阶 层 shè huì jiē céng social hierarchy / stratum in society / social status 阴 暗 面 yīn àn miàn the dark side (of society etc) 九 三 学 社 Jiǔ sān Xué shè Jiusan Society, one of the eight political parties of the CCP 白 莲 教 Bái lián jiào White Lotus society 奴 隶 社 会 nú lì shè huì slave-owning society (precedes feudal society 封建社會|封建社会 / in Marxist theory) 界 别 jiè bié to divide up into different zones / (HK) sector of society / constituency / (taxonomy) kingdom 三 合 会 sān hé huì triad, Chinese crime gang / triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China 路 不 拾 遗 lù bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom) / fig. honesty prevails throughout society 帮 bāng to help / to assist / to support / for sb (i.e. as a help) / hired (as worker) / side (of pail, boat etc) / outer layer / upper (of a shoe) / group / gang / clique / party / secret society 兴 中 会 Xīng zhōng huì Revive China Society, founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山 / in 1894 in Honolulu 社 会 总 需 求 shè huì zǒng xū qiú aggregate social demand / total requirement of society 惊 世 骇 俗 jīng shì hài sú universally shocking / to offend the whole of society 夜 不 闭 户 yè bù bì hù lit. doors not locked at night (idiom) / fig. stable society 看 破 红 尘 kān pò hóng chén to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk) / disillusioned with human society / to reject the world for a monastic life 草 满 囹 圄 cǎo mǎn líng yǔ lit. jails overgrown with grass (idiom) / fig. peaceful society 避 世 绝 俗 bì shì jué sú to withdraw from society and live like a hermit (idiom) 立 身 处 世 lì shēn chǔ shì the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom) 书 会 shū huì calligraphy society / village school (old) / literary society (old) 塔 希 提 Tǎ xī tí Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia 网 际 网 路 协 会 wǎng jì wǎng lù xié huì Internet Society 英 国 皇 家 学 会 Yīng guó Huáng jiā Xué huì Royal Society 中 国 法 学 会 Zhōng guó Fǎ xué huì China Law Society 中 国 地 球 物 理 学 会 Zhōng guó Dì qiú Wù lǐ Xué huì Chinese Geophysical Society 人 寿 年 丰 rén shòu nián fēng long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom) / stable and affluent society / prosperity 全 国 鸟 类 学 会 quán guó niǎo lèi xué huì China Ornithological Society 劲 吹 jìng chuī (of wind) to blow strongly / (fig.) (of trends, changes etc) to sweep through society 国 家 兴 亡 , 匹 夫 有 责 guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society. 大 刀 会 dà dāo huì Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion 天 下 兴 亡 , 匹 夫 有 责 tiān xià xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society. 妇 女 能 顶 半 边 天 fù nu:3 néng dǐng bàn biān tiān Woman can hold up half the sky / fig. nowadays, women have an equal part to play in society 小 刀 会 Xiǎo dāo huì Dagger Society, anti-Qing secret society who mounted an unsuccessful rebellion in 1855 市 民 社 会 shì mín shè huì civil society (law) 建 屋 互 助 会 jiàn wū hù zhù huì building society (finance) 挂 帅 的 社 会 guà shuài de shè huì a society in which that is regarded as all-important 新 剧 同 志 会 Xīn jù Tóng zhì huì New Play Comrade Society, Chinese theatrical company founded in 1912, a continuation of the Spring Willow Society 春柳社[Chun1 liu3 she4] 春 柳 Chūn liǔ Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动[Xin1 Wen2 hua4 Yun4 dong4], continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会[Xin1 ju4 Tong2 zhi4 hui4] 春 柳 剧 场 Chūn liǔ Jù chǎng Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动[Xin1 Wen2 hua4 Yun4 dong4], continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会[Xin1 ju4 Tong2 zhi4 hui4] 春 柳 社 Chūn liǔ shè Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动[Xin1 Wen2 hua4 Yun4 dong4], continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会[Xin1 ju4 Tong2 zhi4 hui4] 会 门 huì mén main entrance / secret society 会 首 huì shǒu head of a society / sponsor of an organization 混 子 hùn zi hoodlum / person unfit for society 清 红 帮 qīng hóng bāng traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons 测 试 和 材 料 协 会 Cè shì hé Cái liào Xié huì American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 皇 家 学 会 Huáng jiā Xué huì the Royal Society (UK scientific academy) 礼 崩 乐 坏 lǐ bēng yuè huài rites and music are in ruins (idiom) / fig. society in total disarray / cf. 禮樂|礼乐[li3 yue4] 秘 密 会 社 mì mì huì shè a secret society 笑 贫 不 笑 娼 xiào pín bù xiào chāng the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty / lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom) 耶 稣 会 士 Yē sū huì shì a Jesuit / member of Society of Jesus 耶 酥 会 Yē sū huì the Society of Jesus / the Jesuits 苏 联 之 友 社 Sū lián zhī yǒu shè Soviet Union friendly society 贵 格 会 Guì gé huì Society of Friends / the Quakers 道 不 拾 遗 dào bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom) / fig. honesty prevails throughout society 青 红 帮 qīng hóng bāng traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons 国 家 地 理 学 会 guó jiā dì lǐ xué huì National Geographic Society 公 民 社 会 gōng mín shè huì civil society 费 边 社 Fèi biān shè Fabian Society 大 溪 地 Dà xī dì Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia (Tw) 博 拉 博 拉 岛 Bó lā Bó lā Dǎo Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia 环 球 银 行 金 融 电 信 协 会 huán qiú yín háng jīn róng diàn xìn xié hui Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 美 国 天 文 学 会 měi guó tiān wén xué huì American Astronomical Society 民 间 团 体 mín jiān tuán tǐ civil society 信 息 社 会 xìn xí shè huì information society 民 间 社 会 发 展 论 坛 Civil Society Development Forum 孟 加 拉 国 保 障 人 权 协 会 Bangladesh Society for the Enforcement of Human Rights 信 息 社 会 世 界 首 脑 会 议 World Summit on the Information Society 民 间 社 会 论 坛 civil society forum 妇 女 和 社 会 研 究 中 心 Center for the Study of Women in Society 广 岛 第 9条 协 会 Article 9 Society Hiroshima