打 击 dǎ jī to hit / to strike / to attack / to crack down on sth / blow / (psychological) shock / percussion (music) 罢 工 bà gōng a strike / to go on strike 敲 qiāo to hit / to strike / to tap / to rap / to knock / to rip sb off / to overcharge 劈 pī to hack / to chop / to split open / (of lightning) to strike 点 击 diǎn jī to hit / to press / to strike (on the keyboard) / to click (a web page button) 走 向 zǒu xiàng direction / strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology) / inclination / trend / to move towards / to head for 击 中 jī zhòng to hit (a target etc) / to strike 撞 击 zhuàng jī to strike / to hit / to ram 来 袭 lái xí to invade / (of a storm etc) to strike / to hit 猛 打 měng dǎ to strike / wham! 打 dǎ to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from 吹 袭 chuī xí (of wind) to blow fiercely / (of a storm) to strike 击 jī to hit / to strike / to break / Taiwan pr. [ji2] 划 huá to cut / to slash / to scratch (cut into the surface of sth) / to strike (a match) 鼓 gǔ drum / CL:通[tong4],面[mian4] / to drum / to strike / to rouse / to bulge / to swell 铿 kēng (onom.) clang / jingling of metals / to strike 刜 fú to chop / strike 摷 jiǎo to knock / strike 搢 jìn shake / stick into / strike 摮 áo (literary) to hit / to strike / to smite 搕 kè to strike / to take in the hand 扻 zì to strike / to run against / to throw, as a stone 揘 huáng to strike / to stab 亮 相 liàng xiàng to strike a pose (Chinese opera) / (fig.) to make a public appearance / to come out in public (revealing one's true personality, opinions etc) / (of a product) to appear on the market or at a trade show etc 反 击 fǎn jī to strike back / to beat back / to counterattack 搭 讪 dā shàn to hit on someone / to strike up a conversation / to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation 雷 击 léi jī lightning strike / thunderbolt 角 球 jiǎo qiú corner kick (in soccer) / free strike in hockey 打 翻 dǎ fān to overturn / to overthrow / to strike down (an enemy) 作 势 zuò shì to adopt an attitude / to strike a posture 乘 势 chéng shì to seize the opportunity / to strike while the iron is hot 绝 食 jué shí to go on a hunger strike 除 名 chú míng to strike off (the rolls) / to remove from a list / to expunge / to expel 下 毒 手 xià dú shǒu to attack murderously / to strike treacherously 打 垮 dǎ kuǎ to defeat / to strike down / to destroy 扇 动 shān dòng to fan / to flap / to incite / to instigate (a strike etc) 稳 扎 稳 打 wěn zhā wěn dǎ to go steady and strike hard (in fighting) / fig. steadily and surely 趁 热 打 铁 chèn rè dǎ tiě to strike while the iron is hot 声 东 击 西 shēng dōng jī xī to threaten the east and strike to the west (idiom) / to create a diversion 切 中 qiè zhòng to hit the target (esp. in argument) / to strike home 触 礁 chù jiāo (of a ship) to strike a reef / (fig.) to hit a snag 罢 课 bà kè student strike / to boycott classes 断 食 duàn shí to fast / hunger strike 倒 打 一 耙 dào dǎ yī pá lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 / in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记 / fig. to counterattack / to make bogus accusations (against one's victim) 拔 营 bá yíng to strike camp 罢 市 bà shì protest strike by merchants 避 实 就 虚 bì shí jiù xū (idiom) stay clear of the enemy's main force and strike at his weak points 核 反 击 hé fǎn jī nuclear counter strike 降 旗 jiàng qí to lower a flag / to strike the colors 勾 gōu to attract / to arouse / to tick / to strike out / to delineate / to collude / variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook 先 下 手 为 强 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term) / Making the first move is an advantage. 左 右 逢 源 zuǒ yòu féng yuán lit. to strike water right and left (idiom) / fig. to turn everything into gold / to have everything going one's way / to benefit from both sides 避 其 锐 气 击 其 惰 归 bì qí ruì qì jī qí duò guī to avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws 以 卵 击 石 yǐ luǎn jī shí lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom) / to attempt the impossible / to invite disaster by overreaching oneself 打 铁 趁 热 dǎ tiě chèn rè strike the iron while it's hot (idiom) 劳 逸 结 合 láo yì jié hé to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom) 罢 教 bà jiào teacher's strike 凹 造 型 āo zào xíng (coll.) to strike a pose 揗 shǔn strike, hit with hand / tap 上 阵 杀 敌 shàng zhèn shā dí to go into battle / to strike at the enemy 五 卅 运 动 wǔ sà yùn dòng anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involving general strike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc 严 厉 打 击 yán lì dǎ jī to strike a severe blow / to crack down / to take strong measures 围 城 打 援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom) / strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops 绝 食 抗 议 jué shí kàng yì hunger strike 走 向 断 层 zǒu xiàng duàn céng strike fault (geology) 静 坐 罢 工 jìng zuò bà gōng sit-in strike 鸟 击 niǎo jī bird strike (aviation) 三 振 sān zhèn to strike out / strikeout (baseball, softball) / (Tw) to ditch / to eliminate from consideration 报 复 性 打 击 bào fù xìng dǎ jī retaliatory strike 斩 首 行 动 decapitation strike / leadership strike / counterleadership strike Lucky Strike 热 液 田 Lucky Strike rè yè tián Lucky Strike hydrothermal locality / Lucky Strike hydrothermal field 攻 击 机 群 gōng jī jī qún strike group / strike package 第 二 次 打 击 second strike 打 击 精 确 度 strike accuracy 识 别 和 打 击 小 组 Targeting and Strike Team 遮 断 攻 击 机 zhē duàn gōng jī jī interdiction and strike aircraft 特 种 攻 击 车 special attack vehicle / light strike vehicle 轻 型 战 术 车 special attack vehicle / light strike vehicle 快 速 攻 击 车 special attack vehicle / light strike vehicle 空 袭 协 调 中 心 air strike coordination centre 空 中 攻 击 air strike 全 球 性 攻 击 航 天 飞 机 quán qiú xìng gōng jī háng tiān fēi jī global strike space plane 声 穿 透 点 间 隔 strike spacing 第 一 次 打 击 战 略 first strike strategy 先 发 制 人 打 击 pre-emptive strike 打 击 数 据 strike data 惩 罚 性 空 袭 punitive air strike 反 城 市 攻 击 countercity strike 避 其 锐 气 , 击 其 惰 归 bì qí ruì qì , jī qí duò guī avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws (idiom) 冲 账 chōng zhàng (accounting) to strike a balance / to reverse an entry / to write off 敲 锣 边 儿 qiāo luó biān er to strike the edge of the gong / (fig.) to stir the pot (i.e. cause or exacerbate a dispute) 关 门 打 狗 guān mén dǎ gǒu lit. shut the door and beat the dog (idiom) / fig. seal off the enemy's avenue of retreat, then strike hard