first letter of a word or serial number / first character of a Chinese word / first digit of a number / the top part (esp. a radical) of a Chinese character / the initial of a Chinese syllable
shēng mǔ
the initial consonant of a Chinese syllable / the phonetic component of a phono-semantic compound character (e.g. the component 青[qing1] in 清[qing1])
yùn mǔ
the final of a Chinese syllable (the component of a syllable remaining after removal of the initial consonant, if any, and the tone, e.g. the final of "niáng" is "iang")
wěi yīn
final sound of a syllable / rhyme (e.g. in European languages)
lu:è shí zhī wú
semiliterate / only knows words of one syllable / lit. to know only 之[zhi1] and 無|无[wu2]