"Syllable" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 yīn jié syllable
 yīn sound / noise / note (of musical scale) / tone / news / syllable / reading (phonetic value of a character)
 zhōu syllable
 zì tóu first letter of a word or serial number / first character of a Chinese word / first digit of a number / the top part (esp. a radical) of a Chinese character / the initial of a Chinese syllable
 shēng mǔ the initial consonant of a Chinese syllable / the phonetic component of a phono-semantic compound character (e.g. the component 青[qing1] in 清[qing1])
 yùn mǔ the final of a Chinese syllable (the component of a syllable remaining after removal of the initial consonant, if any, and the tone, e.g. the final of "niáng" is "iang")
 wěi yīn final sound of a syllable / rhyme (e.g. in European languages)
 lu:è shí zhī wú semiliterate / only knows words of one syllable / lit. to know only 之[zhi1] and 無|无[wu2]
 bì yīn jié closed syllable
 ér huà yùn (Chinese phonetics) syllable final with r-coloring / rhotacized syllable final
 zhōng shēng the medial (vowel or diphthong) of a Korean syllable
 ér huà (Chinese phonetics) to rhotacize a syllable final / to apply r-coloring to the final of a syllable
 chū shēng the initial consonant (or doubled consonant) of a Korean syllable
 wěi zhuì final syllable
 yā píng shēng yùn to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)
 shōu wěi yīn the final of a Korean syllable (consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable)
 zhōng shēng the final of a Korean syllable (consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable)
 diào hào tone mark on a Chinese syllable (i.e. accents on ā / á / ǎ / à) / (music) key signature
 zhòng yīn jié accented syllable / stress
 āi character used in Korea in former times to represent the syllable "ngai"
 líng shēng mǔ (Chinese linguistics) zero initial (the initial of a syllable that does not begin with a consonant)
 yùn wěi (phonology) coda, the part of a syllable that follows its vocalic nucleus (e.g. "u" in kòu or "n" in běn)
 jiǎn pīn (computing) input method where the user types just the initial or first letter of each syllable, e.g. "shq" or "sq" for 事情[shi4 qing5])
 ér huà yīn (Chinese phonetics) erhua (the sound of the r-coloring of a syllable final)
Chinese Tones