折 磨 zhé mó to torment / to torture 煎 熬 jiān áo to suffer / to torture / to torment / ordeal / suffering / torture / torment 酷 刑 kù xíng cruelty / torture 揉 搓 róu cuo to rub / to torment / to torture 拷 打 kǎo dǎ to beat a prisoner (to obtain confessions) / to give sb the third degree / to torture 熬 煎 áo jiān suffering / torture 上 刑 shàng xíng severe punishment / worst punishment / to torture 刑 xíng punishment / penalty / sentence / torture / corporal punishment 苦 刑 kǔ xíng torture / corporal punishment (traditionally involving mutilation or amputation) 严 刑 拷 打 yán xíng kǎo dǎ torture / interrogation by torture 揉 磨 róu mo to torment / to torture 磨 折 mó zhé to torture / to torment 拷 掠 kǎo lu:è to torture 洋 罪 yáng zuì terrible pain / torture / (coll.) pain suffered at the hand of foreigners 毒 刑 dú xíng torture / cruel corporal punishment 大 关 dà guān strategic pass / barrier or mark (i.e. a level considered impressive, usually a round figure such as 10,000) / instrument of torture used to break limbs 拷 问 kǎo wèn to question via torture 夹 板 jiā bǎn splint / clamp / vise (as torture instrument) 刑 讯 xíng xùn interrogation under torture / inquisition 刑 具 xíng jù punishment equipment / torture instrument 电 刑 diàn xíng to torture sb using electricity / electrocution (capital punishment) 炮 烙 páo lào the hot pillar (ancient Chinese torture instrument) 拷 kǎo to beat / to flog / to examine under torture / (computing) to copy (abbr. for 拷貝|拷贝[kao3 bei4]) 刀 锯 斧 钺 dāo jù fǔ yuè knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom) / facing torture and execution 斧 钺 汤 镬 fǔ yuè tāng huò battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom) / facing torture and execution 绷 扒 吊 拷 bèng bā diào kǎo to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique 屈 打 成 招 qū dǎ chéng zhāo to obtain confessions under torture 刑 房 xíng fáng office of punishment / torture chamber (esp. unofficial) 刑 堂 xíng táng torture chamber 刑 求 xíng qiú to extort confession by torture 刑 辱 xíng rǔ to humiliate and torture / to suffer mutilation and humiliation 反 酷 刑 折 磨 公 约 fǎn kù xíng zhé mó gōng yuē UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988) 桁 杨 háng yáng lit. stocks and knives / fig. any punishment equipment / torture instrument 桁 杨 刀 锯 háng yáng dāo jù lit. stocks and knives / fig. any punishment equipment / torture instrument 跳 出 火 坑 tiào chū huǒ kēng lit. to jump out of a fire pit (idiom) / to escape from a living hell / to free oneself from a life of torture 酷 刑 折 磨 kù xíng zhé mó torture and cruel treatment 反 对 酷 刑 之 声 fǎn duì kù xíng zhī shēng Voice against Torture 反 对 以 色 列 境 内 的 酷 刑 公 共 委 员 会 Public Committee against Torture in Israel 国 际 反 对 酷 刑 协 会 International Association against Torture 美 洲 防 止 和 惩 处 酷 刑 公 约 Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture 反 酷 刑 协 会 SOS Torture / SOS Torture Network 联 合 国 援 助 酷 刑 受 害 者 自 愿 基 金 lián hé guó yuán zhù kù xíng shòu hài zhě zì yuàn jī jīn United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture / United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture 联 合 国 酷 刑 受 害 者 基 金 lián hé guó kù xíng shòu hài zhě jī jīn United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture / United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture 国 际 酷 刑 受 害 者 康 复 中 心 International Centre for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims 伊 斯 坦 布 尔 议 定 书 yī sī tǎn bù ěr yì dìng shū Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment / Istanbul Protocol 防 范 小 组 委 员 会 Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment / Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture 罗 本 岛 指 导 方 针 Guidelines and Measures for the Prohibition and Prevention of Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Africa / Robben Island Guidelines 酷 刑 受 害 者 治 疗 和 康 复 中 心 Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture 禁 止 酷 刑 委 员 会 Committee against Torture 苏 丹 取 缔 酷 刑 组 织 sū dān qǔ dì kù xíng zǔ zhī Sudanese Organization against Torture 世 界 禁 止 酷 刑 组 织 World Organization against Torture 国 际 酷 刑 和 人 权 讨 论 会 International Seminar on Torture and Human Rights 酷 刑 逼 供 取 得 的 证 据 不 得 采 信 non-admissibility of evidence extracted by torture 援 助 酷 刑 受 害 者 联 合 国 自 愿 基 金 董 事 会 Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture 联 合 国 支 持 酷 刑 受 害 者 国 际 日 联 合 宣 言 Joint Declaration for the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 基 督 徒 废 除 酷 刑 行 动 Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture 防 止 酷 刑 协 会 Association for the Prevention of Torture 酷 刑 受 害 人 victim of torture 中 非 反 对 酷 刑 废 除 死 刑 协 会 Association centrafricaine de lutte contre la torture et pour l'abolition de la peine de mort 联 合 国 支 持 酷 刑 受 害 者 国 际 日 United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture / International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 酷 刑 受 害 人 康 复 和 研 究 中 心 Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims 酷 刑 受 害 者 康 复 问 题 亚 洲 会 议 Asian Conference on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims 刀 锯 鼎 镬 dāo jù dǐng huò knife, saw and cauldron / ancient instruments of torture / fig. torture