跟踪 | gēn zōng | to follow sb's tracks / to tail / to shadow / tracking | |
装甲车履带排雷 | | tracking | |
装甲车履带开道 | | tracking | |
不当行为追踪系统 | | Misconduct Tracking System | |
捐助者协议和报告追踪系统 | | Donor Agreement and Report Tracking System | |
文件登记、信息和跟踪系统 | | Documents Registration, Information and Tracking System | |
转基因生物的监测 | | tracking of the GMO | |
侦察和支助股 | | Tracking and Support Unit | |
跟踪和数据中继卫星-C | | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-C | |
频率跟踪 | | frequency tracking | |
热带气旋跟踪技术巡回培训研究班 | | Roving Training Seminar on Tropical Cyclone Tracking Techniques | |
近距同轨跟踪 | jìn jù tòng guǐ gēn zōng | short-range co-orbital tracking | |
电子储存、跟踪、档桉和检索系统 | | electronic storage, tracking, archival and retrieval system | |
因特网文件登记、信息和跟踪系统 | | Internet Document Records, Information and Tracking System | |
综合安全审查和追踪系统 | | integrated security clearance and tracking system | |
情报侦察股 | qíng bào zhēn chá gǔ | Intelligence Tracking Unit | |
侦查队 | | Tracking Team | |
货物追踪预报系统 | huò wù zhuī zōng yù bào xì tǒng | Advance Cargo Tracking System | |
飞机跟踪系统 | fēi jī gēn zōng xì tǒng | aircraft tracking system | |
机动资产定位和追踪系统 | | mobile asset locator and tracking system | |
太平洋大陆架跟踪项目 | | Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project | |
外国恐怖分子资产跟踪中心 | | Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center | |
财务支出核实处 | | Financial Tracking Service | |
海底跟踪 | | seafloor tracking | |
跟踪和数据中继卫星 | | tracking and data relay satellite | |
跟踪目录 | gēn zōng mù lù | Tracking Register | |
呼号业务管理和电子追踪系统 | | call operations management and electronic tracking | |
追踪股票 | | tracking stock | |
联合呼吁程序和财务支出核实处 | | Consolidated Appeal Process and Financial Tracking Branch | |
指数追踪基金 | | index tracking fund / tracker fund / tracker | |
稳定与结盟进程跟踪机制 | | Stabilisation and Association Process Tracking Mechanism / SAp Tracking Mechanism | |
遥测、跟踪和指挥 | | telemetry, tracking and command | |
数据采集、远程指挥和追踪站 | | Data Acquisition, Telecommand and Tracking Station | |
任务规划和跟踪监测股 | | Mandate Planning and Tracking Unit | |
综合安保和工作人员追踪系统 | | integrated security and staff tracking system / ISSAT system | |
远程识别跟踪船舶 | | long-range identification and tracking of ships | |
调查追踪分析员 | | Investigations Tracking Analyst | |
探测和跟踪系统 | | detection and tracking system | |
电子追踪装置 | | electronic tracking device | |
侦查和情报股 | | Tracking and Intelligence Unit | |
资产追踪工具 | | Asset Tracking Tool | |
跟踪系统 | | tracking system | |
跟踪雷达 | | tracking radar | |
追踪号码 | zhuī zōng hào mǎ | tracking number (of a package shipment) | |
不良人 | bù liáng rén | (Tang dynasty) official responsible for tracking down and arresting lawbreakers | |
埋点 | mái diǎn | (web analytics) event tracking / event | |