- 那条桥为我们节省了不少时间。
The bridge saved us a lot of time.
- 山上发现了不少猴子。
Not a few monkeys were found in the mountain.
- 今天有不少学生缺课。
Quite a few students are absent today.
- 她在这里有不少朋友。
She has a good many friends here.
- 有不少人在那里。
A good many people were there.
- 不少学生逃学了。
Quite a few students played truant from school.
- 不少人以高薪为成功的条件。
Many people consider a high salary to be a condition for success.
- 因为他做了不少不好的事我们可以论定他是不好的人。
As he has done a lot of bad things, we can conclude that he is a bad person.