- 神话和传说应该一代一代的传承下去。
Myths and legends should be handed down from generation to generation.
- 这些古老习俗都是一代一代相传下来的。
These old customs have been handed down from generation to generation.
- UN代表联合国。
UN stands for the United Nations.
- PTA代表什么意思?
What does "PTA" stand for?
- 你会代替我去派对吗?
Will you go to the party instead of me?
- 这个符号代表答案正确。
The sign means that the answer is correct.
- 地图上的红线代表铁路。
The red lines on the map represent a railway.
- 他是时代杂志的记者。
He is a reporter for Time magazine.
- UFO代表不明飞行物体。
UFO stands for unidentified flying object.
- 红旗代表存在危险。
The red flag indicated the presence of danger.