- 神话和传说应该一代一代的传承下去。
Myths and legends should be handed down from generation to generation.
- 他们听到远处传来一下枪声。
They heard a gun go off in the distance.
- 这个传统在中国诞生了。
This tradition originates from China.
- 看来传闻是真的了。
I think the rumor is true.
- 传闻被爆是真的。
The rumor turned out true.
- 消息在城里传遍了。
In the city, the information is flooding.
- 我们要尊重传统文化。
We must have respect for tradition.
- 我们必须保持家庭传统。
We must keep up the family traditions.
- 这味道可能是微波炉传出来的!
This smell might come from the oven!
- 我们突然听见外面传来了一下枪声。
All at once we heard a shot outside.