- 她说一点阿拉伯语。
She speaks a little Arabic.
- 阿拉伯盛产石油。
Arabia abounds in oil.
- 去伯明翰的火车从3号站台出发。
The train for Birmingham leaves from platform 3.
- 日本靠阿拉伯国家提供石油。
Japan relies on Arab countries for oil.
- 沙乌地阿拉伯有非常丰富的石油。
Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
- 阿拉伯语是一种很重要的语言。
Arabic is a very important language.
- 美国的第十六任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯是在肯塔基州的一间木屋中出生的。
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born in a log cabin in Kentucky.
- 伯拉罕·林肯,美国第16任总统,生于肯塔基州的一个简陋的小屋里。
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born in a log cabin in Kentucky.
- 她看到蒙哥马利通了公共汽车、伯明翰接上了水管、塞尔马建了桥,一位
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes, we can.