
  • you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])



  • 该摆脱的坏习惯。
    You must rid yourself of bad habits.
  • 父亲帮
    Ask your dad to help you.
  • 可以随高兴的用的钱。
    You are free to do as you please with your money.
  • 该打扫的房间。
    You have to clean your room.
  • 不该浪费的时间。
    You should not waste your time.
  • 否认去了那里吗?
    Do you deny that you went there?
  • 该听父母的话。
    You should obey your parents.
  • 的真实体验写下来。
    Please write about your real experience.
  • 应该为没有及时回家吃晚餐向父亲道歉。
    You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper.
  • 打电话来时, 我们正在谈论
    We were just talking about you when you called.
Chinese Tones