- 女孩的脖子上围著一条长长的围巾。
The girl had a long scarf around her neck.
- 他们围在壁炉旁边。
They gathered about the fireplace.
- 这条围巾摸起来又软又滑。
This scarf feels soft and smooth.
- 学生不得在校园范围內吸烟。
Students are forbidden to smoke on the school grounds.
- 这超出了我的想像范围。
This is beyond the scope of my imagination.
- 这份工作在我能力范围之外.
This job is beyond my ability.
- 他被一大群记者包围著。
He was surrounded by a throng of reporters.
- 他可能在公园周围慢跑。
He may be jogging around the park.
- 这些年轻人彼此之间大声说话, 丝毫不在意周围的人。
These young people are talking loudly amongst themselves and have absolutely no regard for those around them.
- 地球大约每三百六十五天就会围绕太阳旋转一周。
The earth makes one revolution round the sun in about 365 days.