- 这间学校女孩比男孩多。
There are more girls than boys in this school.
- 我们学校女孩比男孩多。
There are more girls than boys in our school.
- 他们照顾了一个印度女孩和一个意大利男孩。
They were taking care of a girl from India and a boy from Italy.
- 这个女孩是谁?
Who is this girl?
- 谁照顾孩子?
Who looks after the children?
- 这个男孩说会来一条狼。
The boy said a wolf would come.
- 我们有两个孩子。
We have two kids.
- 这个女孩没有母亲。
The girl has no mother.
- 帮我看会儿孩子。
Keep an eye on the child for me for a moment.
- 让孩子远离池塘。
Keep children away from the pond.