- 机场大巴从哪里出发?
Where do the airport buses leave from?
- 他张开了嘴巴说不出话来。
He was in open-mouthed amazement.
- 我记得在巴黎见过他。
I remember meeting him in Paris.
- 他从头到脚都是泥巴。
He was covered with mud from head to foot.
- 巴西是说甚么语言的?
What is the language spoken in Brazil?
- 她去过巴黎。
She has been to Paris.
- 我去过巴黎。
I have been in Paris.
- 这辆巴士可以载五十个人。
This bus can hold fifty people.
- 她对我说8月去巴黎。
She said she will go to Paris in August.
- 小狗摆著尾巴。
The dog was wagging his tail.